Status: Hiatus.

The Dark of the Night More Inviting Than the Sunlight

Chapter Thirteen; Mushy Mushy.

Sky's Point Of View.

As Bert and I walked down the empty street holding hands I felt that someone was looking at us. I looked around and raised an eyebrow as I saw my teacher Jeph and the school nurse Branden peeking out a window looking really funny, I laughed and waved at them.

"Who're you waving at, babe?" Bert asked me with a smile on his lips, I giggled and pointed at the window. He let out a loud laugh and waved at them too. This had by far been the best night in my life, I turned my head away from the window where Branden and Jeph were and looked at Bert.

"Hey, you're only a tiny bit taller than me!" I said with a large smile, he chuckled and kissed me "You're too cute! Haha," I just blushed a bit and looked at my shoes, Bert had scribbled on them earlier today, I smiled at the memory of him writing cute stuff on them.

We continued to walk in the dark talking and and laughing about everything.

When we reached my house, I didn't want him to go home. He kissed me goodnight and he was about to go when I grabbed his hand. "Pleeease sleep here?" I said with my best puppy face and with a childish voice. He looked at me with a wicked smile "I don't think your parents will approve of that, Sky." he replied gently.

My eyes lightened up "My parents are out of town and won't come back until tomorrow though, they took Melanie with them. Please don't leave me alone with all the monsters, Bert?" I pleaded with a little smile.

He grabbed my hand with a smile and I began to walk up to my house, very happy that I made him stay the night. I unlocked the door and once we got inside, Bert was all over me. I laughed at how eager he was.

After a couple of minutes he groaned in pleasure, I laughed again and pulled away "Ah, ah, ah, no funny business, Mister!" He smiled and groaned again, he rested his forehead on mine as he said "You tease!" jokingly. I smiled back and made my way to my bedroom where I stripped down to my t-shirt and crashed down on my bed.

Bert crawled into the bed too and held me tight "Good night, babe..." he mumbled and kissed me goodnight. I barely mumbled a goodnight back before I was asleep.



Fuck, my alarm! I glanced at the clock on the wall and got dressed quickly. I shook Bert lightly and said "Come on, Bert, school starts soon!" He got out of bed and dressed whilst yawning constantly. I smiled at the sight and soon enough we hurried to school.

Seeing Jeph and Branden I laughed out loud and waved at them with a childish grin, they laughed and waved back at me, wow who would've known that Mr. Howard had a nice side?
The day went by quickly. In english class me and Quinn passed notes to eachother, Jepha defenetely noticed, but when I looked at him he just smiled and then looked away.

Yay! We were off the hook. I got a note from Quinn where it said "Off the hook! Hellz yeah! Highfiveulation! ;]"

I laughed out loud and highfived him. People were looking at us, but we didn't care. We were acting childish and having a really good time, that was all that mattered at the moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
A short chapter :/ And very mushy.... meh, you'll have to live with it :cute:

Thank you, wonderful people:

Gerard A Way


for commenting, it means the world to us!

Thank you for reading! :cute:


Used Romance.