Status: Hiatus.

The Dark of the Night More Inviting Than the Sunlight

Chapter Twenty Six; It Hurts.

Dawn's Point of View

I curled up into a pitiful ball against a tree in the park located a few blocks away from my house. My entire body was shivering violently, but I couldn't feel that I was freezing or sense the penetrating pain anymore. My mind went blank and my vision black for a split second. I didn't know what was happening and it frightened me.

A quick glance down at my hands confirmed that it really had been happening. My fingers had an unpleasant dark blue tint to them, part of my left palm was covered with cracked burn blisters, and last, the sticky blood that covered my fingertips had a beautiful dark red hue to it. I didn't know for how long I had been sitting there with my back against the tree. The very same tree that I, Sky and Quinn used to climb when we were younger, when things in life were so much easier to i handle.

I felt dizzy and tired when my vision became blurrier and blurrier, when I started to realize that I was once again drifting off. That's when panic struck me. What if I didn't wake up again this time? If no one found me I'd most likely freeze to death, I'd fall asleep to never wake up again.

I was fully aware that my head had fallen victim for a numerous hard kicks and punches throughout the night's events. But I couldn't quite remember the whole course of events, only small parts of it. I had no idea how I had managed to bring myself all the way to the park. How did I get there? Did I run? Could I possibly have been able to do that, considering I could barely move at the moment. Did I stumble or creep my way here? My jeans and checked button down were covered with dirt and I had no shoes on.

A wave of nausea overwhelmed me along with the fatigue. I knew that I had to do something before I became unconscious, contact someone who might be able to help me. But who? Not the ambulance, no hospital - too many questions. Then it hit me; McCracken. He was the only one who knew about my dark secret. Maybe he could help me.

Was I in the state of writing a text message? I sure as hell wasn't able to speak, not a sound left my throat as I tried to form a word. I moved my stiff arm slowly, steering my blue tinted hand towards my pocket, where I hoped my cell phone was located. Since my fingers were numb, I had a really hard time to get the message away to who I hoped would be my savior.

I've no idea from where I had gotten the strength and will power it took for me to keep myself awake and even send away a message on my phone. Adrenaline rush? Probably something among those lines. The last thoughts that came to my mind as my eyelids shut, went to my mother and my best friend, Sky. I was hoping that if I died my mom would be there to great me, that we would finally reunion again after all this time, and that I'd miss Sky so terribly much if I didn't get to see her again.

Jeph's Point of View

Maybe I was just being childish and immature, but I didn't care. The fact that Branden acted as if nothing had happened really pissed me off and at the same time I couldn't bring myself to talk to him about it. He was supposed to be my best friend for Pete's sake! Best friends don't go behind ones back and kiss the person one has an affection for. He should know that! And it's not like he didn't know that I was quite found of that girl - he had even encouraged me to get to know her better by making use of my title of teacher.

When I couldn't stand being in the same building as him anymore, he and his repeated asking of what was wrong, what he had done to deserve the silent treatment from me, I simply left. I decided I needed some fresh air and time alone to reflect over the events. Maybe it was only a misunderstanding from my aspect... No, they were kissing, I saw that. But why were they kissing? Did they love each other? If so, why the hell hadn't he just told me about it?

I walked for a long time, aimlessly down the enlightened streets of Orem. It was dark outside, and cold, very cold. But I didn't care, I wasn't ready to go back just yet, I needed some more time to think. Dawn, did she like Branden? I frowned as I tried to remember the scene that I had desperately wanted to get out of my head all day. Had she kissed him back? Who kissed who to begin with? Did she enjoy it? Branden being Branden most certainly did. Fucking pig. I should confront him somehow, without making myself look stupid... I want- no I need some answers.

I was about to turn around and walk back when I reached a bridge, but something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. Was that someone standing on the wrong side of the rail? A young woman. Oh my God, she was going to jump. I must stop her somehow, without startling her - because then she might loose her grip and fall.

The panic awoke inside of me - I just couldn't let her fall. I simply couldn't watch her die, spending the rest of my life wondering if there was something I could have done to save her. I would gladly spend the entire night to talk her out of it. Whatever she was going through it couldn't be that bad that it was worth killing oneself over, right?

I had almost reached her, approaching her quietly when she gazed up towards the night sky dotted with stars. That's when I saw her face, pale white in the moonlight. Sky. My heart skipped a beat as I let it sink in. Without thinking any further, I took a firm grip around her shoulders, terrified that she would fall if I let her go. I couldn't let her die. No, not Sky - one of the sweetest, most kind-hearted persons I'd ever met.

"Sky," my mouth was dry and my voice hoarse. I tried to speak again and swallowed down the lump in my throat. "Sky, it's Jeph. Don't you dare letting go of that rail." I sniffled before I continued. "Sky, I don't know what happened to you, but I'm here for you now - like you've been there for me through hard times. I haven't realized that until now, but you've really helped me through a lot. Sky, you have everything to live for, you have a whole life before you. Please don't... don't let go..."

Her body was tense in my grip and her voice strained as she spoke. "It feels like I'm already dead, Jeph. I'm all empty inside, I'm numb and it... it just hurts so bad-" her voice trailed off and I could feel her shoulders move under my touch as she was crying silently.
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Dear readers, subscribers and commenters - you are all so wonderful and encouraging. Do you know what? You've given us three stars on this story! I personally think that's pretty amazing, so thank you so much everyone! I hope you enjoyed the update - let me know what you think about it?

Love, hugs and kisses,