Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


I’ve been walking around this city for a while, but I have yet to come across anything alive. I’m guessing that they are all at the concert, which I totally destroyed with my idiocy. I sighed a looked down at my watch. It’s been about 45 minutes since that incident; the concert would be ending soon. But, I was in no hurry to go back to the bus. I decided that I would continue walking around and hopefully they’ll be angry enough to leave me here.

The warm summer breeze blew around me and the streetlight shined down onto the sidewalk I was currently on. It was slightly cool for the middle of June. I looked up and noticed to the left of me there was a park. It wasn’t anything special, it was actually rundown. Rusty three foot slide, three swings. One was completely broken, the other was hanging by one chain, and the one in the middle was still attached right, though it did look like it was ready to fall off itself. This was my kind of place.

I smiled lightly and walked into the abandoned park. I touched the rusted chains on the middle swing, they were rough on my fingertips, but that was quiet alright, I could manage some little blisters. I gently sat down on it, careful not to break it. I slowly began to swing myself back and forth, but not too high, I didn’t want it to break while I was swinging. That jut wouldn’t be too pleasant.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. There is a reason why I like this park so much; I just couldn’t seem to think of it at the time. But then it hit me. It reminded me of the park I met Bill and Tom in when I was five. It was all coming back to me in a flash. I guess that’s why they call them Flashbacks.

I swung my small five year old legs back and forth rapidly. I hadn’t yet learned how to swing and I was trying my best to get as high as I could. Let’s just say that that wasn’t working out that well.

“Argh! You stupid swing, work!” I screamed getting extremely frustrated.

I huffed and jumped off of the swing and turned to glare at it. “Why won’t you work?” I said to in angrily.

“Because you aren’t doing it right.” I jumped at the sound of his voice.

I heard the stranger laugh and turned around. It was a boy about two years older than me; his dirty blond locks were in dreads that fell around his face. His brown eye shined in the summer sunlight. In my young five year old eyes, he looked like a god.

“What are you laughing at?” I asked sourly, I didn’t take to kindly to being laughed at.

“You jumped like 3 feet in the air!” The boy was now laughing harder, causing me to blush in embarrassment.

“I did not.” I said quietly but angry.

I turned around to face the swing and away from the boy. I was angry at him, but that wasn’t why I turned away. I didn’t want him to see me blush, I didn’t want him to know he had that effect on me, and I didn’t want him to think that I liked him. Because knowing boys like him that’s exactly what he would think if he saw me blush.

“Aw! Come on, I wasn’t trying to be mean!” he said

I didn’t budge. I was a very stubborn child. I was expecting him to lose interest and leave, but he didn’t. I could still feel him presence.

“Want me to teach you how to swing?” he said quietly.

That got me; one of the things I wanted to do most was learn how to swing. I turned my head a little, so I could see him in my peripheral vision. “Yes…” I said slowly.

He smiled at me and motioned for me to get back on the swing. I grinned and ran over to the swing. I grabbed the chains and pulled myself up onto the seat. He walked behind me a gently pushed.

“Now, when you go forward bring your legs in, and when you go back bring your legs in.” he said.

I nodded and followed his instructions. He continued to push me a few more times and then stopped. The most amazing thing happened, I kept going.

“Oh my gosh! I’m doing it! I’m swinging!” I said, I was extremely excited. If I wasn’t potty trained I would have probably peed myself.

I stopped and jumped off the swing. I ran over to the boy and hugged him tightly.

“Danke, Danke, Danke, Danke!” I shouted.

He laughed lightly, “Bitte!”

“My name is Natasha.” I said letting go of him.

“Mine is Tom.”

I couldn’t stop myself from grinning.

I smiled at the memory. It’s one of the best ones I have.

I looked down at my watch and noticed that it was close to 10 o’clock. I was shocked, where had all the time gone? I quickly got of the swing and ran out of the park. I ran for a while before I got tired. Hey, I might be skinny but I suck at running.

I slowed down to try and catch my breath. I bent over and rested my hands on my knees. I looked over to see a junkyard. The first thing I saw was a spinning chair. Which caused me to have another Flashback.

I was about 16 years old and at the Kaulitz/Trümper home. Tom was ignoring me because his ‘favorite show’ was on. I was extremely bored, since Bill was at his girlfriend’s house. I walked through the hallways, trying to find something remotely interesting to do for the next 30 minutes.

I passed a room and happened to see the most entertaining thing to ever exist. A Spinning Chair. I sqeed happily and ran into the room. Tom was smart to hide this from me, but his mission has now failed. I have found the sacred chair and plan to use it for revenge. I grabbed the chair and rolled it down the hallway and to the staircase. I picked it up a quietly walked down the stairs.

I rolled it to the living room archway where I saw Tom staring at the TV like a zombie. I scrunched my nose, what’s so special about Scrubs? EW. I sat on the chair and pushed myself across the hardwood floor and right in front of the TV.

I started spinning around wildly. Then I screamed “I’m not wearing pants today!

Tom looked at me evilly and that’s when I blotted, leaving the spinning chair behind. I giggled happily as Tom chased me through the house. All you could hear from outside was a bumps, crashes, and Tom screaming my name angrily at the top of his lungs.

I giggled at the memory, it’s one of the other good ones I have. To think of it, I never saw the spinning chair again. I shrugged and looked down at my watch.

“Eleven O’clock?!” I screeched.

“Shit! Where does all this time go, seriously?!” I shouted angrily.

I sprinted off into the direction I was once running. I was not going to stop this time, knowing my luck I’ll have another Flashback and stand there for another hour.
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10. When he's watching TV place spinning office chair in his direct line of vision and start spinning around like a mad person yelling "I'm not wearing pants tooooooooday!!!!"