Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


I ran into the venue, I was breathless, I had just ran 9 blocks and I didn’t think I would ever breathe normally again. I looked around and noticed a lot of people just running around screaming things frantically. I was utterly confused.

I walked around the venue, trying to find one of the guys and trying to catch my breath. I walked until I got to the tour bus, where I saw Bill one his cell phone talking really fast in German. His back was turned to me so he didn’t see me. I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hold on!” He shouted in German and only turned around a bit so he didn’t see me.

“What’s going on?” I asked loudly.

“Shhhhhhhh, Natasha! I’m talking to Tom about trying to find you.”

“Oh….Um, Bill. I’m right here.”

“Yes I know, Nata-“ He stopped mid sentence and turned to look at me.


He pulled me into a tight hug, squishing my lungs.

“Can’t. Breathe.” I said breathlessly.

“Oh, sorry,” He said and let go of me, “I’m just so glad you’re here!”

I gave him a weird look, “Why?”

“We thought you ran away!” Bill yelled.

What?!” I screamed, “Why would you think that?!”

“You’ve been gone for six hours in a city you don’t know!”


“Well, It’s wasn’t my idea to look for you.” He said.

I looked at him with curiosity, “You didn’t?”


“Then who did?” I asked.


Tom? I thought he would be seriously mad at me. I mean, I did ruin the concert, and steal his skittles. Which he pretty much doesn’t let anyone have.

At that moment I heard heavy quick footsteps behind me. I was about to turn around and look to see who it was, but before I could I was in the air. Someone’s arms were around my waist and they were spinning me around in circles.

“Nattie!” I heard Tom’s deep voice shout.

“Tom! Put me down!” I laughed.

He put me down but continued to hug me. “I thought you left.” He whispered.

I laughed lightly, “No.” I said dragging out the ‘o’. “I just went for a walk and lost track of time.” I yawned and laid down head down on Tom’s shoulder.

“I’m tired.” I said and opened my eyes to look up at Tom’s face. “Take me to bed?” I said and smiled.

Tom laughed, “Sure.” He picked me up and looked a Bill who had a sly smile on his face. “Night Bill.” He said.

“Night Makcie!” I added.

“Night Tom, Nat!” Bill waved and walked off to use him phone again.

Tom carried me into the bus and walked to the bunks. He dropped me on his bunk. He then proceeded to stripped to his boxers. He pushed me over to the wall and lay beside me. He pulled the blankets over us and cuddled up to me. “Night Nattie.”

I smiled, “Night Tom.”

Tonight was a good night.

And tonight’s gonna be a good night
And tonight’s gonna be a good good night.
I gotta feelin’, Ohh Ohhh

Oh fuck, now I have that song stuck in my head.

I then fell asleep to the beat of ‘I Gotta Feelin’’ by the Black Eyed Peas stuck in my head.


I’ve been up for at least three hours now and I was bored as hell. No one is up, and I need some entertainment before my head explodes, and I had an idea. I crawled over to Tom’s bed and poked my head up to see his sleeping form.

“Tom” I said dragging out his name.

“What?” He whined and rolled over to look at me.

“I need entertainment.” I said.

“Go play some video games or something.”

I whimpered in fear and quickly crawled away. Tom looked confused. He got up and walked over to me. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Nothing.” I said happily.

“Okay…” He said slowly. He walked over to the kitchen where he started to make some coffee. I followed him into the kitchen and stood up to watch the coffee maker work its magic.

“What cha doin?” I asked.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” He asked.

”Something….?” I asked.

“Something? That’s your answer? Something? I knew you were a little brain dead but I didn’t know it was that bad.” He said. I whimpered in fear and quickly walked away into another room.

I heard Tom sigh loudly and walk into the lounge were I was currently curled up on the couch. He came and sat beside me and gave me a hug. “I’m sorry” he muttered.

“For what?” I said happily. He looked at me like I was crazy and shook his head. “Nothing.” He said.

“Okay!” I said happily. Then he looked at me with a suspicious smile. I started to wonder if he had figured it out yet. Then he muttered the unholy word, “Something.”

I coward back in fear and whimpered lightly. “Something.” I jumped up and crawled away, pretending to be scared out of my wits.

“Why do you keep getting scared when I say ‘Something’?” He said somewhat annoyed. I didn’t answer and just coward.

“Ugh. Whatever.” He said and stomped out of the room.

“Hey Tom! Where are you going?!” I questioned and ran after him.
♠ ♠ ♠
11. Cower in fear every time he says the word something