Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz

Barbie Girl

I stumbled out of the elevator giggling uncontrollably. You might be wondering why I’m doing this right now. Well, I guess I’ll tell you. I went out clubbing with the guys, except Tom, he stayed in the hotel because he’s a pansy and didn’t feel good. Anyways, Tom asked me not to get drunk because he knows how I get when I’, well, tipsy. It’s currently 5 am and Tom is probably fast asleep by now. Not good.

Of course, I didn’t listen to him. I’m not the type of person to pass up alcohol. Right now, I’mwalking stumbling down the hallway, trying to remember which room was ours. I found it, room number 796. I fumbled with my key card. I slammed my body against the door multiple times while trying to open the door. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tom had woken up from the entire racket I was making.

I finally managed to open the door without damaging myself any further. I stumbled into the dark hotel room. I felt the walls to make sure I didn’t trip or knock over anything. Though, I’m not sure why I didn’t just turn the light on. I’m a stupid drunk I guess.

I hiccup and giggled furiously as I reached the living room area. I lay down on the couch and continued to giggle. My giggles eventually died down and I grew bored. I decided to do something about it.

After a few failed attempts, I managed to pull myself off of the couch and into the bedroom area. I found Tom asleep on the giant king sized bed. I didn’t approve. I climbed onto the bed, as gracefully as a drunken person can and crawled over to Tom. I was surprised that he didn’t wake; he must have really not felt good.

I took a quick glance at the digital alarm clock. It read ‘5:13 AM’. I smiled and decided that it was time for Tom to wake up and entertain me.

I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

I belted out. Tom shot out of bed and I fell out and landed on the floor in a fit of giggled. I heard Tom let out an exasperated before getting up and going to the living room. I was giggling too hard to follow him. I crawled up onto the giant bed in my fit of giggles and just laid there. Until my loud giggled turned into soft snores, I slept good that night. But, I was in for a major hangover in the morning.
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13. Wake him up at five AM singing the most annoying song "I'm a barbie girl"