Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


I walked out of the hotel room in my pajamas. I honestly didn’t care what people thought, I needed to find Tom. My plan wasn’t supposed to annoy him any farther, but I guess that’s just my luck, right?

I walked around the whole building and still no sign of Tom. But, I did see those girls from the mall. Wait, girls from the mall? Oh shit.

I back tracked into the lobby where the girls were sitting around the lounge area. I had to get rid of them somehow. But, I wasn’t sure how. I sighed and walked over to them. None of them looked up, they were all to interested in the current magazine they were reading. I coughed loudly, trying to get their attention, none of them looked up.

“Hey!” I shouted at them. They all looked up at me with shocked faces.

“What are you guys doing here?” I said rubbing my neck nervously.

“We’re waiting for Tokio Hotel to come down here!” A girl that I didn’t recognize said.

I smacked my forehead; I knew I shouldn’t have given them the address. Now, they were bringing people along with them, even though I specifically told them not to tell anybody else.

“What might your name be?” I said giving all four of them a strained smile.

“Jaqueline!” She said giving me a huge smile.

Hm… creepy.

“Nice to meet you Jaqueline.” I said giving her a smile to match hers.

“But, they guys left early this morning to a photo shoot. They won’t be back until late, so, why don’t I give you a call when they get back?” I said happily.

I was applauding myself in my head for coming up with the genius excuse.

“Nah, I think we’ll wait.” The one I recognized as Ella said looking back down at her magazine. Now, I was mentally kicking myself in the ass. Good job, Natasha.

“Okay, how about this.” I said bluntly, getting their attention.

“I’ll give you each a backstage pass to their next concert if you leave”

“Deal!” Ella said jumping up out of her seat and holding her hand out.

“Wait here. I have to get them out of my room."

I raced up to the hotel room and opened the door and ran into the living room. I didn’t see my bag anywhere, but I did see Tom sitting on the couch. “What are you doing?” Tom said looking at me with interest written on his face.

I smiled when I saw my bag and raced over to it. I opened it quickly and threw everything out of it that wasn’t backstage passes. Tom laughed at me “You look like an illegal Mexican trying to get your things together so you can run from the police.”

I grabbed the backstage passes and smiled, I ran out of the living room but not before yelling “Don’t be a racist dolphin, Tom!”

I ran down to the lounge area in the lobby and shoved the passes in Ella’s hands. “Here take them. Now, go go go!” I shouted and shoved them towards the door.

I sighed happily and ran over to the elevator. I didn’t want to take the stairs again, that was enough exercise for me today. Plus, I still needed to apologize to Tom, and I figured that the elevator was the fastest way to get to the room. I ran down the hallway and into the room.

“Tom, Tom, Tom!” I shouted happily and bounced into the living room. But, he wasn’t there.

“Tom?” I asked only to get silence for an answer.

“Hm, I wonder where he went.” I said looking around for a note or something.

I found one on the coffee table and smiled. I picked it up and read it; I instantly frowned at its contents.

Dear Natasha,
I went out for a while. Don’t bother looking for me.

Oh great, I guess the racist dolphin comment pissed him off. Good job, Natasha. Good job. I sighed and plopped down onto the couch. I guess I’ll just wait here.
♠ ♠ ♠
15. Call him a racist dolphin