Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


We all sat on the couch and stared at the TV with wide curious eyes. We ignored the bumps when the bus ran over potholes. I’m not exactly sure what we were doing, we all got bored and switched it to a random channel. I’m not sure what we were watching either. It just seems really interesting.

If you’re wondering what went down between me and Tom last week then I’ll tell you. He didn’t come home until the next day. He had a massive hangover and refused to talk to me. We all know what he was doing. I somehow managed to ignore the stinging pain in my heart and nursed him back to health. He forgave me, but only because I helped him get better.

So now, we were all staring at the TV like mindless robots. Yes, all of us were really that fucking bored. Nothing to do, it was 2AM and none of us were tired. So, we all resorted to watching TV since we were bored of all the video games we had.

The commercials came on and all the guys turned away from the TV. None of them seemed to like the commercials, especially Bill and Tom. But, I continued to watch. I find commercials to be somewhat entertaining, and I would do anything for entertainment as of now. As I watched, I giggled at how extremely stupid they all were.

But one, managed to catch my undivided attention. It was a rabbit and he was in a disguise. He was sneaking around with some cereal in his hands while all the kids were distracted. But one kid managed to see him sneaking away and revealed him to be a rabbit. They then took the cereal from him and said “Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!” The rabbit silently sulked away with his cute little ears downward.

I gaped at the television. Did that really just happen? Did those kids really just take that cereal from that poor rabbit? I didn’t understand, why would they do something so horrible? I mean seriously, he was on the flipping box! I felt my eyes fill with tears as I thought about the poor rabbit even more.

I turned to Tom, tears still in my eyes from thinking about the rabbit. “Tomi?” I squeaked out as I looked at him. He looked down at me and instantly his eyes were filled with concern. “What’s wrong, Nattie?” He said and took my hand in his. I had to stop the blood from rushing to my face.

I hiccuped and looked at him once more. “Why won’t the kids let the poor rabbit have his cereal?” I then burst out into loud, fake, sobs. I peeked a look at Tom’s face. Needless to say, he looked pissed. Not that I would blame him, I would be pissed too if he did that to me. But, honestly, he should expect things like this from me by now.

I watched as Tom stood up from the couch and walked out of the room. “He he, classic.” I said and wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked over at Bill with a smile on my face. He just looked at me with a solemn look in his eyes and shook his head. Now, I’m seriously confused.

Bill is upset because I annoyed Tom? I think the world has ended. I watched as Bill also got up from the couch and walked out of the room. I was really beginning to become upset. I looked over at Gustav and Georg. They also shook their heads at me and walked out of the room.

I sat on the couch in confusion. What did I do?
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16. Ask him tearfully why the kids just wont give that poor rabbit his cereal