Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


It’s been a few days since I’ve annoyed Tom. He forgave me a few minutes after what happened with the commercial but, I was still getting those weird looks from Bill, Gustav, and Georg. I don’t really understand what they mean when they give me those looks, but it always ends up making me feel bad.

It is currently a Saturday morning, and for some reason god decided that I would wake up before everyone else at 7:30 in the morning. I laid in my bunk for a minute and realized that I wasn’t going to be going back to sleep today. I rolled out of bed and stood up, looking around at all the other blob’s of laziness. They got to sleep because god loves them more, lucky poop heads.

I sighed and walked off into the kitchen to get a Monster. I decided that this was something that you always needed to drink when you woke up in the morning. It gives you more energy than coffee does, and it tastes better too. So, why wouldn’t you?

I opened the small fridge and pulled out a purple one. Those always tasted the best to me. I opened the can and took a big gulp off it. I smiled and looked at the can with happiness before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room area. I sat myself down on the fluffy couch and continued to drink my Monster.

I was bored out of my mind, and soon to be hyper as hell. I’m not even sure my Bill even buys me these things. Everyone else refuses to let me have any energy drinks, except for Bill of course. Because, I think Bill has a slight case of brain damage and forgot how annoying I can get.

I looked around the room, the Monster was beginning to take effect on me, and I could feel myself slightly bouncing up and down. I looked around the room; eyes wide, I needed something entertain myself with. That’s when I saw it, the bright pink nail polish. I felt a huge grin spread across my face as I threw the empty Monster can in a random direction.

I got up off of the couch and walked over to the nail polish. I picked it up and looked at it carefully. It was just the right color to wreck some havoc with. I smiled and looked down at the nail polish remover. Oh, no no no, that won’t do.

I picked it up and walked back into the kitchen. I looked around for someplace to hide the nail polish remover. Somewhere no one would look. My eyes landed on the giant toaster on the counter next to the stove. I grinned and glided over to it. I looked around before slipping the mini bottle of nail polish remover into it.

I grinned at myself and complimented myself on how awesome of an evil genius I was. I quietly walked into the room. I knew Tom and Bill wouldn’t wake up; those two could sleep through anything. But, I wasn’t completely sure about Georg and Gustav.

I walked slowly towards Tom’s bunk. I knelled down to his level and smiled when I saw that his hands were in the perfect position. I had no trouble putting the bright pink nail polish on him, thought it did smudge a bit because that idiot moved in his sleep.

I tip-toed back into the living room in a fit of giggles, the monster was seriously getting to me now. I tried to calm myself down, I didn’t want Tom waking up now and freaking out on me. I wouldn’t like to watch some TV in peace and quiet for a while actually.

I hopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. I surfed the channels for a while before I found a movie that was remotely interesting. I think it was called The Breakfast Club, but I don’t remember.

I was half way into the movie when I heard a loud thump and then “Natasha! being yelled. Then some other loud thumps after that. The only thing that went through my now Monster free mind was Oh shit..

I immediately yelled “The Monster did it!” and ducked under the couch cushions. I hoped that this would serve for protection against Tom’s evil wrath, but I was wrong.

Oh, I was sooooo unbelievably wrong.
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17. Paint his nails bright pink while he sleeps and hide the nail polish remover