Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


I was bored out of my mind. No, that was an understatement. I’m bored to the point where I’ve gone insane. Not that myself being insane is a new thing, it just got a bit worse, which sucks for Tom. That just means I’ll come up with even better ideas on how torture him into sending me home.

I climbed out of my bunk with a sigh. This bus was starting to feel smaller and smaller as the days go by. It was actually starting to feel a bit cramped; it felt like there wasn’t enough room to stretch my legs.

I moved around the messy bunk room, avoiding Georg’s dirty boxers, who knew what they were infested with? I opened the door and walked out, shutting it behind me. Now, all I had to do was find a way to exercise myself. I taught for a moment, who said laughing wasn’t a good enough exercise? Now, my next step was to find Tom.

Wondered around the bus, right about now, it was starting to seem bigger than I thought, because I had yet to find Tom after checking almost every room. I sighed and walked into the living room. There wasn’t any way he could be outside, the bus was still moving. Unless we left him at the gas station we stopped at about half an hour ago.

I was seriously starting to consider the theory when I heard a loud snore come from the other end of the living room type area. I jumped up at the sudden sound and turned to look at the couch that I had just passed not even two minutes ago.

There lay Tom, snoring loudly, and obviously sound asleep. “Shit,” I muttered under my breath. I was really hoping he would be awake so I could torture him. Honestly, torturing Tom is the funniest thing I have ever done, no, it’s the funniest thing anyone could ever do. I love the boy, but he just lets people get on his nerves to easily and it’s hilarious.

I took a set in front of Tom, now that I had nothing to do. He looked so peaceful when he slept, like a giant cuddly baby teddy bear. He’s just a mixture of cute things put in a man’s body, and I loved it more than anything. I sighed happily as I watched him sleep, when the most brilliant thing came to mind, something that would definitely piss Tom off, and give me some exercise at the same time. It was perfect.

I quickly got up, careful not to wake Tom, and scurried off into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator. I looked moved things around, trying to find the can that I needed. “Aha,” I said as I spotted the can. I grabbed the cold metal and scurried off the closet. I opened it slowly, just in case all the cleaning supplies we had just decided to topple onto me. Nothing happened and I smiled as I shoved some things around looking for the feather duster.

I spotted its blue feathers in the far right corner and reached for it the best I could without falling over on the vacuum. I managed to grab it without knocking anything and closed the closet door before traveling back into the living room type thing.

Tom was still laying there, a peaceful look on his gorgeous face. I cautious held out the whip cream can to his stretched out hand. I was scared that he would awaken if I sprayed it in his hand. The feeling and was enough to wake someone up, but I was just going to have to take that chance. I squeezed my eyes shut and slowly pushed down on the tip of the can. I poured into his hand like soft fluffy clouds, the best part about that is, he didn’t even stir.

I grinned evilly and walked behind the couch. I wanted to be able to hide if he jolted up and I couldn’t make it out fast enough. I lightly brushed the feather duster against his nose. His nose twitched and he used his other hand to lightly push the feather away. I glared at him, he wasn’t supposed to use that hand. I was just going to have to keep trying.

I once again brushed it against his nose, same response. I did this five times before I finally got the reaction out of him I wanted.


I started giggling viciously as Tom sat up quickly and I bolted for the door screaming like a banshee. I swiftly ran left and right, avoiding Tom as much as possible. It wasn’t long before Bill burst out of the bathroom with a stick of eyeliner in his hand and one eye coated in it.

“What are you two doing?!” Bill screamed his eyes wide.

I laughed loudly and jumped behind the couch. Tom didn’t even bother trying to get me; instead he stomped out of the room. He looked at Bill, whip cream still coated on his face along with a glare.

I could tell Bill was trying desperately to hold in his laughter, “What happened to your face?” He asked letting out the tiniest laugh but covered it up with a couch. Smooth Bill, real smooth.

She happened,” Tom said with venom dripping from every word. He thepouted stomped into the bunk room.

I crawled out from behind the couch and looked over at Bill with a smile on my face. By now, Bill’s smile was gone and he was giving that disappointed look again. What’s with that look?

“What?” I asked furrowing my eye brows together.

“Nothing, Nattie,” Bill said as he turned to go back into the bathroom.

“No,” I said sternly, “Bill tell me.”

He turned to look at me and sighed. “Alright,” he said and then walked over to sit beside me on the couch.

“Okay,” I said after a few moment of awkward silence, “What’s with those looks?”

“You just really need to stop doing that, Natasha.” Bill said looking at me with one black outlines eye and one bare one.

“Doing what?” I said innocently, I decided that playing dumb in this situation would be the best thing to do.

“You know what I’m talking about,” he said folding his arms over his chest.

I gave him a blank stare, hoping that he would give in. But, he didn’t, Bill is just that good.

“I know,” I groaned loudly and looked down at me feet.

“Why do you do it then?” He asked lightly.

“I dunno,” I lied; I knew exactly why I was doing this. But, I wasn’t going to tell him unless he had some kind of clue.

“You’re going to drive him to the point where he’ll want you gone.” Bill said putting his hand on my shoulder like he always does when he tries to get stuff into my thick skull.

’Fuck…’ I though.

I looked up at him with sad eyes, “That’s the point,” I said before standing up and walking away before he could even ask.

I was going to go into the bunk room, and then I remembered that Tom was in there. So, I took the alternative; the closet. I shoved myself in there beside the vacuum and closed the door. The small area was soon dark except for the small crack at the bottom of the door.

I needed time to think, and this was the perfect place.
♠ ♠ ♠
19. Put whip cream on his hand when he sleeps and tickle his nose with a feather