Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


"Tom," I said trying to get his attention for the seven hundredth time in the past five minutes.

"What Nattie?" he asked and looked at me from the magazine he was browsing through. He still hadn't fully forgiven me for selling his shirts. But, he was to the point where he would talk to me, which was good enough for me.

"I'm bored," I said plainly.

"Too bad," he said nonchalantly and went back to browsing.

"Tom," I said.

"What is it this time?" He groaned and set his magazine on his legs which were propped up on the coffee table in front of him.

"Give me something to do." I said.

"Go do something on the Internet." he said trying his best to shake me off. He didn't even wait for me to respond before he returned to his stupid magazine.

I groaned, "You're no help." I muttered. But, I decided to take his advice. I stood and walked back into out huge room. I pulled my laptop out of it's case and signed onto Facebook. I browsed for a good few minutes before coming across something that my friend Gabriel posted the night before. It was something about the weird spiritual rituals that they held a long time ago. I instantly became interested and decided that looking it up was the most entertaining thing that I could do at this point.

I read for almost an hour on all the things that I could find about spiritual rituals. I instantly decided that I needed to do one of them, only to keep myself entertained though. Cause god knows that if I don't Tom will have a bitch fit.

I got up and walked out of the suite that we were staying in. I walked right by Tom, whom still had his nose stuck in the magazine. I scoffed as I passed him and he didn't even spar me a glance. Something in that magazine must be very interesting and I think I know what it is. Ugh, boys.

I walked right into the room across from ours to find Bill painting his toes. "Macky!" I said happily. Bill jumped as he heard me scream, I must have startled him.

"I need a sacrifice for my ritual!" I said happily.

He gave me an odd stare and then told me to go find Georg and that maybe he would do it. I obliged and walked to a different suite only to be told to go find Gustav. Then, Gustav just kicked me out of his room.

I huffed angrily as I stood outside Gustav's room. Now, I didn't have a sacrifice and my ritual was ruined. I couldn't believe this. They were all so selfish, couldn't they just die for me? I guess not. I sighed sadly and walked back to my room.

I entered the TV area where I saw Tom with his nose still stuck in that stupid magazine. I grin happily as I realized that there was one more person that I could ask.

"Tomi," I said dragging out the 'i'.

"What?" he snapped.

I glared but quickly wiped it off my face.

"I need a sacrifice." I said.

"Mhm, that's nice."

I sighed, "You're not listening."

"Yes I am." He said without looking up.

"Fine, I need a sacrifice and you're the only one available at the moment." I said.


"So, will you do it?" I asked with a pleading tone.


"Great! Now don't move, it will only hurt for a minute." I said and approached him.

I tackled him and that brought him back to earth. "What are you doing?" He asked angrily as he shoved me off and stood up.

"You said you'd be my sacrifice!" I yelled unhappily.

"No I didn't!" He claimed.

"Yes, you did! Now come here!" I yelled angrily and got up.

The only thing that could be heard from suite 1040 was yells and bangs. People was have been thinking the most perverted things. Especially with Tom screaming my name and myself called him my sacrifice. I can only imagine what people were thinking at that point.
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24. Tell him you need a sacrifice and that hes the only one available at the moment