Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz

Harry Potter

“Tom, can I please use your laptop?” I begged as I leaned into his shoulder.

He sighed, “I told you Nattie, I can’t trust you with it anymore.” he said.

I groaned loudly threw a mini fit on the couch. “Please, please, please, please, please, I promise not to do anything bad with it, please!” I begged, practically head butting his shoulder.

He shook his head, “No,” he mumbled and went back to typing something for hit blog.

“But Tom,” I whined. He looked over at me eyebrow rose, “I love you.” I finished.

He rolled his eyes and turned back to the computer screen, “I love you too, but that’s not going to make me give you the computer.” he said.

I growled frustrated. I’d just have to get it some other way. “Fine, you win.” I grumbled. I stood up off the couch and walked down the hallway to the main bedroom. I sat down on the bed for a few minutes before getting up and walked back into the living room type thing. Tom was still typing away when I took my spot beside him.

I watched him carefully, waiting for the right moment. It didn’t take him long to look away from the computer, and at that moment I yanked it right out of his hands and bolted for the bathroom. “Natasha!” He heard him yell and run after me. I locked the door behind me and I heard him run into as he tried to beat me.

“Haha! I win!” I yelled as I sat down on the toilet seat. I placed the laptop on my lap, completely ignoring Tom’s yells.

“Okay, going to Google.” I mumbled to myself. I looked the things up that I needed too, memorizing some things. I was done within five minutes. I closed everything and shut the laptop before opening the door. Tom was standing there with a less than please look on his face.

“What? I just needed to use Google.” I said before giving him back the computer and walking into the main bedroom, locking the door behind me.

Now, I could put my plan into action.


I excited the room after half an hour of trying to make everything perfect. I walked into the living room where Tom was putting on his shoes. I guess he was planning on going somewhere, perfect.

“Where are you going?” I asked, catching his attention.

He looked up at me and stopped in the middle of slipping his shoe on. “What are you wearing?” He asked.

“What? I think it looks good.” I said looking down at said outfit. “I tried really hard to make it perfect.” I said happily.

“Are you gonna answer my question?” I asked.

“Everyone’s going out to eat. I was going to ask you to come, but you’re not going anywhere looking like that.” he said. He stood after slipping his last shoe on, towering over me.

“And just why not? I want to go out like this!” I said scrunching my face up.

He laughed, “You are not going to walk around looking like Harry Potter.” he said.

“Oh yes I am.” I said and headed for the door. “Are you coming or not?” I asked as I walked out the door. He shook his head and followed after me.

“Don’t blame me when people give you stares.” he said.

“Oh Tomi,” I said shaking my head, “You know I live for the attention.”


It didn’t take us long to get to the restaurant. It was fancy and the name was La Maison, French for the house. I found it to be an odd name, who would want to east at a place called the house?

When we walked inside people instantly shot my odd stares, I was even surprised that they let me in. Tom probably told them that I was special needs or something.

They hostess guided us to our table and informed us that the waiter would be with us shortly, same as any restaurant. I looked over at Tom who was talking to Bill about something, I don’t even know. I pulled the wand that I had stashed in my pocket out and pointed it towards him. “Aguamenti” I said and waited for the water to pour out.

When it didn’t happen I looked at it with a confused stare, and muttered “stupid things broken.”. By then the group was looking at me like I was insane. To them, it had finally happened, I had lost my mind. I had to make water come out of it somehow, and then my eyes found the perfect thing.

I said the charm again and as soon as it left my lips I grabbed the complementary glass of water and dumped it in Tom’s face.
He spluttered a bit when it hit him, and grabbed the cloth napkin on the table to wipe off this face the best he could. “Haha! I knew it would work!” I said, “I’m a wizard!”

“You just threw water on me!” He said, gesturing to the now empty cup.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said turning away from him and sticking my nose in the air.

“What! You have got to be kidding me,” he said.

“Tom,” I said cutting him off, “Just because you’re jealous of my awesome wizarding powers doesn’t mean you have to insist that I don’t have any.” I said.


So, the day went like that. I chased Tom around all day, throwing any kind of charm or curse at him I could. Causing us to have to cut our day out short, because Tom was so pissed off. When we got back to our room, Tom made a b-line for the main bedroom and slammed the door behind him. My heart jumped at the sound and then instantly dropped. I don’t know why I insist on doing stuff like this to him. It seems like a good idea until we get to the point where he hates the world.

I had to do something to make it better, to make him hate me less. I knew if I kept going like this he was going to get sick of it and drop my like a hot potato. So, I had to do the only thing I could think of.

I walked down the small hallway to the entrance to the main bedroom, hoping that he didn’t lock the door behind him. He didn’t, so I walked in and closed the door behind me.

“Tom?” I asked the figure that was lying on the bed. His eyes were closed, and he seemed to be ignoring me. I sighed, taking the wig off my head, causing my hair to cascade don’t my back. I then removed the heavy robe, revealing the tank top and shorts that I had on underneath.

I slipped my shoes off as I climbed into the bed, and towards Tom’s figure. I straddled him, causing him to open his eyes, “Tomi,” I said with a smile, noticing that he had shed most of his oversized T-shirt, leaving him in a white wife beater. I leaned down and kiss his lips softly before he could ask what I was doing. We had been dating for a while, and still hadn’t been this intimate yet. More than likely, there were questions racing though his head. But, that didn’t stop him from kissing back full force. I pulled away for air and then continued to leave a trail of kisses down his jaw line and to his collarbone.

I was trying to find his sweet spot, I couldn’t lie. I had been wondering where it was for a while. As soon as my lips hit his collarbone he let out a small almost inaudible moan, but I heard it. I smirked at brought my face back up to his.

“Tom?” I asked.

“Hmm?” he asked.

♠ ♠ ♠
26. Dress up as Harry Potter and follow him around all day shouting random incantations