Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


It's been a couple of hour's since the Jamaican incident. But, guess what! I only had to apologize once this time! Yay! Anyways, I'm currently sitting in the hotel room that Tom and I are sharing.

I'm watching some weird show, I can hardly understand what they are saying, but it's okay. Because, it's somewhat entertaining. I groaned when the commercials came on. I hate commercials, they're so freaking pointless. I just don't get why they exist.

Tom walked in a few minutes later, sitting down beside me on the small couch we had in the living room area. Then the commercials came on again. Seriously? That show just came back on! Stupid fucking commercials.

Then a Victoria Secrets commercial came on, Tom could barely stop himself from staring at the TV. That's when I had an idea. I quickly turned up the TV full volume, and stared at Tom with wide, fascinated eyes. Tom just continued starring at the TV. The commercial went off and I turned the TV back down to it's normal volume.

I waited and waited for the next commercial to come on, the next feminine one was a Vagisil advertisement. I proceeded to turn the volume all the way up and stare at Tom with wide, fascinated eyes.

Tom stared at the TV with wide, scared eyes. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. His facial expression was just so freaking hilarious. When the commercial went off I turned it back down to it's original volume. Tom turned to me and asked "Why do you keep doing that?" I just looked at him with wide innocent eyes.

"What are you talking about Tomi? I'm not doing anything." I said, turning from him and looking back at the TV, waiting for another commercial. Tom just shook his head and also looked back at the TV.

I waited for a while, the next feminine advertisement took forever to come on. But, when it did, I had to stop myself from laughing. It as a Tampax Pearl commercial. I preceded to turn the volume up full blast and watched as Tom's face went from confused, to scared, to disgusted. I couldn't stop myself, I burst out laughing.

Tom just looked over and glared at me, instantly knowing that I was doing something. Oh, did that get on his nerves. He just got up and stomped away like a little child that didn't get what he wanted in the candy story. But, I didn't stop laughing. I just couldn't, you would understand if you had seen his face.

A few minutes after I was done laughing, Bill walked in. He sat right beside me on the couch and looked at me. "You know, you really pissed Tom off this time." He said, I just nodded and said "I know".

"Why do you keep doing it Tasha? This is the third time today. You usually don't do this." Bill said, I just looked at him "I know Bill, I'm not sure why I'm doing it. I just am." I said.

Bill looked at the ground, then back up to me. "You should really calm down a little Tasha, before you ruin your friendship." He said, I just looked at him, tears welling up in my eyes and said "That's what I'm scared of Billa."

Bill looked at me sadly and pulled me into a gentle, comforting hug. I just cried silently to myself. Why couldn't I have fallen for Bill instead? Then this would have been so much easier.
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3. Whenever an advertisement for any feminine product comes on the TV, turn the volume all the way up and stare at him with wide, fascinated eyes