Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


Tom didn’t come back that night. I woke up the next morning, to find that the place beside me was in the same state I had left it in before. I sighed a got out of the bed, deciding that maybe he had come back but just hadn’t come to bed. I searched the room, but in the end came out empty.

I honestly couldn’t believe playing around a little made him that mad. But, then again it was Tom. And he was just unpredictable.

I took a shower and got dressed. I was hoping that by the time I was finished that he would show up. But, he didn’t.

So, I moped around the hotel room until four in the afternoon. Sometimes, I would catch myself sending hope filled glances at the door. Hoping maybe he would suddenly waltz through and tell me some incredibly ridiculous story as to why he hadn’t come back. But, of course, that didn’t happen either.

When four rolled around, I grew tired of waiting and decided that I wasn’t going to find him by sitting around all day. I slipped on my shoes, made sure I had my keys, phone, and wallet before leaving the room and locking the door behind me. Oddly, this hotel didn’t have automatic door locks.

I dragged my feet the short distance across the hall and knocked on the door that belonged to Bill. He was staying by himself, as he usually did. Nobody wanted to share a room with him because of all his things. And he was perfectly fine with that. He just said that there was more room for his things and pranced off like a happy bunny every time it was brought up.

I knocked a second time before Bill answered. The look of annoyance on his face almost made me stop laughing, but I couldn’t stop myself when I saw the state of his hair. It seemed that he was halfway through getting ready, which was weird because it was four, and half of his hair was standing straight up while the rest of it fell helplessly to his shoulders. (Then again, Bill loves his sleep so I guess it wasn’t that weird.)

My frantic giggles did not help his mood one bit, and he would have closed the door if I hadn’t stopped him. I sobered myself up, and looked at him with a goofy grin on my face. “Who pissed in your cereal this morning?” I asked, pushing past him and into the hotel room.

“Who do you think?” He muttered darkly before closing the door behind me and going back to the small bathroom. I followed him, but couldn’t help but notice the crumpled up blankets on the couch. “Tom stayed here?” I sighed sadly and leaned against the door frame of the bathroom.

Bill pushed as he continued doing his hair, and shot my a look saying ‘where-else-do-you-think-he-was?’, which made perfect sense. If Tom went to anyone, it would be Bill and I mentally smacked myself for not thinking of it earlier.

“Of course,” I whispered to myself, “Where is he know?” I asked. Obviously, he wasn’t here, or I would be on my knees begging for mercy instead of watching Bill work magic with his mane.

“I don’t know,” Bill muttered, more concentrated on his hair than anything, “I think he said something about getting something to eat a few minutes ago. He should be back soon.” he said, and then proceeded to block me out completely.

I gave up on talking to him, and turned on my heel to walk back to the couch. I might as well stay here, since he was going to be back soon anyways. And then, I could beg and apologize until I couldn’t anymore.

I played with a lone string on the blanket sitting beside me until I heard the door open, signaling Tom’s return. I stood instantly, and couldn’t stop the smile that made it’s way to my face. I could feel my heart flutter uncontrollably as I set my eyes on his and I could only hope that he felt the same thing I just did.

If he had, he did not show it. Instead of sending me the smile that I oh so wanted to lay eyes on, he merely glared at me and dropped the bag of food on the coffee table in front of me before walking away. I could only guess that he was going to find Bill and ask him why I was here.

My suspicion was confirmed when I heard Bill yelling loudly and a few things being thrown. As long as I can remember, I had been the only one that Bill would let see in the process of getting ready. Everyone else just got to see him either made, or unmade. Never in between. I wasn’t exactly sure why, but it had always just been that way.

I stood from my incredibly comfortable spot on the couch as Tom re-entered the room. He was rubbing his head tenderly, but that didn’t stop him from sending me a small glare before walking over to the coffee table.

Before I knew what I was doing, I grabbed the bag and sprinted to the other side of the room. I honestly had no idea what was going on, there was no way that I would be able to keep this from him long. He was easily a foot taller than me, so I couldn’t lift it out of his reach and his legs were considerably longer so running wasn’t going to get me anywhere. But, I guess since I got myself into this situation, it was worth a shot.

“Natasha, give me the bag.” Tom said sternly reaching out for the bag.

I stepped back defensively as he did. “No, not until you forgive me.” I said childishly, hiding the bag behind my back like it would make it invisible.

He gave me a look to say ‘are we really going to do this?’ He knew as well as I did that I had no chance. Small 5’0” girl against a 6’1” man? Yeah, the odds are not in my favor.

This, of course, did not help my confidence. But, I tried not to let it show and held my ground the best I could.

Tom raised an eyebrow as if saying I was asking for it, which I really was, before taking a step towards me. I instantly shot off, running as fast as my little legs would take me down the hall. I knew my efforts were fruitless, but I had to give myself kudos for at least trying.

Tom’s arms were around my waist before I even made it halfway. I managed to yell “No, forgive me first!” Before my feet were lifted off the ground and I was being carried back into the living room.

Unfortunately for Tom, I wasn’t going down without some kind of fight. I immediately started struggling, squirming in every which way I could. I’m not entirely sure what happened, but somehow Tom lost his balance as I twisted around in his arms and fell to the ground.

I grunted lightly as I landed on his soft body, and opened my eyes to find him staring at me. I couldn’t help but smile, and kiss his lips lightly before he could protest against the positions.

I pulled away from him, smile still etched onto my face. “How is it that we always end up like this?” I asked quietly, looking down into his dark brown eyes.

I was surprised when Tom let a low chuckle escape from his lips and a smile appeared on his face. He leaned up to kiss me quickly, before laying his head back down.

I couldn’t keep the excitement off my face, “Does that mean I’m forgiven?” I asked happily.

He wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me closer to him. “Yeah, I don’t know why I was mad anyways. I should be used to your stunts by now.”

My nose wrinkled slightly before I answered, “Yeah, you kind of should.”

Our laughter mixed together in almost perfect harmony. And me being me, had to ruin the moment by saying the first thing that popped into my head, which didn’t make any sense because we both had the same heritage.

“Tom, do you have any Jewish friends?”

He groaned loudly. But our smiles stayed put and I knew things were back to the way they were.
♠ ♠ ♠
31. Ask him if he's friends with Jewish people

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