Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


To my surprise, when I woke up this morning Tom suggested that we stay home and laze around in the bed all day. I had absolutely no objections, I had been waiting a while for a day like this to come. And now that it was here, I was going to take it into my arms and never let go.

That’s exactly what I did.

I grabbed Tom and pulled his head to my chest. We had been laying in silence for god knows how long. Completely content with everything, just enjoying each others company.

I fingered one of Tom’s many dreadlocks. He had his hair down and they were all just sprawled around his head. I smiled as I remembered the day he decided to get them. It was so long about, almost seven years ago.

”Tom, you’re absolutely insane!” My cried my shrill eleven year old voice.

Thirteen year old Tom just rolled his eyes and continued getting ready for his pending hair appointment.

“You can not do this! Do you even understand what you’re doing?! What if you don’t like them? Then you’ll have to shave your head and you’ll be bald! I don’t want my best friend to be bald Tom!” I shrieked loudly, pacing around the room. I ended my speech with a turn on my heel to face in and crossing my arms in an angry manner.

Tom just laughed and stood as he finished slipping on his shoes. “There is nothing you can say to stop me, Nattie. I’ve been waiting forever for this and I’m not going to let you,” by this time he had walked over to me and poked me on the nose as he addressed me, “ruin it.” He said, ending with a sly smile.

It was almost as if he was doing it purely to annoy me. If he was, it was working. It was working very well.

I huffed, “I swear to god Tom, if you do it I will shave those nasty things off your head. I don’t even know why Simone is letting you get them in the first place.” I threatened.

Tom glared playfully, he was taking this all as a game. “You wouldn’t dare do that.” He challenged.

I rose an eyebrow. If he honestly thought that, he wasn’t my best friend.

Tom laughed at my expression, “Okay, maybe you would. But, I promise Nattie, as soon as you see me and how sexy I look with them, you’ll change your mind.” He said, grabbing his coat off the desk chair that it was hanging off that.

I grabbed mine off his bed and followed him out the room. “I highly doubt that.” I muttered darkly. I was most definitely not pleased. I had become accustomed to Tom’s hair over the years and was furious that he wanted to change it so drastically.

“Aw, come on Nattie. Just give it a chance,” He pleaded, as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

I gave him a skeptical look. “For me?” he said, giving him his pathetic version of puppy dog eyes.

I couldn’t stop my lips from forming a grin. I laughed lightly, and turned his head away from me playfully. “Okay, okay. Just promise never to look at me like that again. You looked like you were seriously getting ready to vomit right here.” I laughed again.

Tom laughed with me and pulled me into a short lived hug. “Thank Nattie.”

“Ew, you guys. Get a room.” Thirteen year old Bill joked as he hopped down the stairs.

Tom shoved Bill, but the smile on his face told us he was only joking. “Shut it, you know we’re just friend.” Tom laughed.

“I know, it’s just so easy to pick on you guys.” Bill laughed along with his brother. There laughs matching, just as their faces did. I could almost feel myself grow jealous, but then reminded myself that I was being ridiculous. Bill and Tom were twins, they were supposed to be closer than close.

I just shook my head at the two in a mock disapproving way, and headed to the door. “Call me when you’re done ruining your life, Tom!” I called as I pulled open the door.

I heard Bill laugh and Tom yelling back that he would as the door closed behind me and I started my two block trek back to my house.


I got a call from Tom hours later, and by hours I mean hours. It was nine o’clock and I practically had to get on my knees and beg my mom to let me walk to Tom’s house.

Eventually, she gave in. Thank god, I wasn’t sure I could go another minute without shoving the fact that I was right in Tom’s face. He refused to tell me anything over the phone and I couldn’t tell if he liked it or not through his voice. So, I was just going to assume that I was right and started preparing my ‘I told you so’ speech on the way there.

When I arrived, Simone answered the door and told me the Tom was in his room. I nodded and scampered up the stairs, yelling a thank you over my shoulder. I heard the faint sound of a chuckle as I rounded the corner and banged on Tom’s door.

“Open up, Tomi Boy! So I can see what horrible thing you have done to yourself.” I yelled happily as I continued to pound on the door.

I only stopped when I noticed the door handle moving and stood in shock at the sight before me. Tom stood over me, as he always did, and his once beautiful soft dirty blond hair was now matted together in many coils around his head.

“What have you done?” I said slowly, pushing Tom out of the way I stormed into his room.

Tom only smiled, “You don’t like it?” He asked as he closed the door behind me, “I love it.” He kept the smile on his face as he fingered on of the many coils.

“That’s because you’re insane.” I grumbled and slapped his hand away from his hair.

I took in his appearance one more and sighed. “So, you’re going to keep it like this?” I asked softly, hoping that he would change it. Even at eleven I knew what fashion sense was.

He nodded. I groaned, but gave in anyways. “Fine,” I muttered.

Tom eyes shined bright and I knew his ridiculous ‘I win’ dance, that he only did in front of me, was coming.

“But,” I said before he could start, “If I’m not going to shave your poor head, you have to at least keep those things out of your face. Do something with them.” I said, flicking one out of his face with an unhappy grimace.

“Okay, like what?” He asked, looking at me blankly. He obviously thought that I wasn’t going to come up with anything. But, I had to prove him wrong. I had to find something that would make it look ten times better, because then at least it wouldn’t look like he’s lived on the streets his whole life. And I wouldn’t have been wrong twice in one day.

I looked around the room, trying to find something that I could improve his unruly hair with. I was about to give up when I noticed the hair tie on my wrist and it came to me.

“Sit down,” I said motioning to the desk chair that I was standing beside.

Tom gave me a questioning look but did as I said anyways. I immediately moved the strands out of his face and into one giant pony tail type thing. Thankfully, the hair tie was stretched from years of use and I managed to get it one tight enough to support the weight of the matted hair.

“Let me see,” I said happily and Tom turned to look at me like I was crazy.

My face instantly lit up and I smiled happily. I had done it. Tom looked great and my eleven year old pride swelled up into a giant balloon. “Go look in the mirror,” I said smugly, pointing to the small mirror that hung on the wall.

Tom did as he was told and looked in the mirror. He examined himself for a few minutes before turning back to look at my smug face.

He didn’t look please, but managed to say, “Fine, I’ll give you this one.”

And that’s when I did my victory dance.

“You know, Tom. You’ve had these dread forever.” I said softly as I dropped the one I was playing with and picked up another.

“I know,” He said, there was a hint of sleep in his voice. Like he had been on the verge of sleep as she was playing with his hair and she smiled.

“Don’t you think you should change it soon? I has to get boring sometime.” I muttered, rolling the coil of hair between her fingers.

“Nah, I don’t feel like changing it to something that needs to be pampered.” As the words left his mouth I could almost see his scrunched up nose as he thought about all the work Bill put into his hair.

“Aw, come on Tomi. For me?” I asked playfully.

He chuckled softly at my tone, but shook his head. “Nope, not happening.” He said.

“We’ll see about that.” I said in a sing song voice.

“What are you planning?” Tom asked as he shifted so he could see my face.

I put on my best innocent smile and said “Nothing.”

An evil smile made it’s way to his face and my heart started beating faster at the sight of it. “Tell me Nattie, or suffer the consequences.” He said. He shifted his body so he was hovering over me and I felt my body tense under him.

I knew what was about to happen. “Oh god, Tom. Please no!” I begged. The smile on my face as I said those words only egged him on.

“Only if you tell me,” he threatened.


The words left my mouth as soon as Tom’s hands met my sides and started tickling me ruthlessly. I squirmed around helplessly, unable to escape from under his weight.

I felt the tears streaming down my face as I continued to laugh louder. I opened my eyes to find a grinning Tom staring down at me. Pure joy was written all over his face and I could only hope that mine looked the same. “Please stop!” I giggled out as another fit of laughs threatened to escape.

“Tell me!” he demanded, the playfully tint in his voice telling me that he was just joking. But, I loved it. So, I decided to give in. I wanted more moments like this, and plus I didn’t think I could be tickled like that much longer.

“Fine, fine!” I managed to choke out and the tickling ceased.

I caught my breath for a second, a few giggles escaping out of my mouth here and there. I wiped the tears from my face and turned to look at Tom. Of course, I wasn’t planning to do anything to his hair in the first place. But, I had to say something. That’s exactly what I did.

“Tom,” I said in mock seriousness, “Your dreads are causing pollution. You have to cut them off and get a new hair style. The world is depending on it.” I said, staring at him like a loon.

When those words left my mouth, Tom was out of the bed and I heard the door to the hotel close as he exited the suite.

I was so confused, it wasn’t even funny. I knew that he wasn’t upset or anything. He wasn’t good at keeping in his feelings and would have let me know if he was angry or annoyed or upset. So, what had just happened?

I had no idea. So, I did the only thing I could do. I sat and waited.


It had been almost four hours when I finally heard the sound of the door opening. My once bored stare lightened up immediately and I hopped out of the bed and to the main entrance.

“Hey Tom, where did you - Oh my god.” I muttered as I laid eyes on him. If Tom could improve his looks anymore, he had done it.

His dreads were gone and in there place were black neatly rowed cornrows. I wanted so bad to smile, but the look for shock seemed to be permanently plastered on my face.

Tom laughed at my expression and picked me up bridal style. “Don’t think I’m happy about it, I did it for you. The only reason I’m smiling right now is because of your reaction. I still miss my dreads and I’m still kind of annoyed I had to get rid of them.” He said, and threw me on the bed when he finished.

I rolled over just as he crawled in with me. My hands instantly reached for his newly dyed hair and I ran my fingers down the tightly knit braids.

“I love it,” I said in an almost awe state of mind.

He smirked and kissed my lips hungrily. “I knew you would.”
♠ ♠ ♠
34. Tell him his dread locks are causing to much pollution and he has to cut them off

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know he doesn't cut off his dreads till later.
But, I thought it fit so I made him do it now.
