Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


Today was another boring day in New York City. I was starting to wonder why people think this place is so amazing. I mean, once you’ve been here for a while, things just start to get boring. It seems logical right? Apparently not.

It seems that I’m the only one in our group that has grown tired of the city that never sleeps. All I wanted to do was crawl in the bed a sleep all day like I had the day before yesterday. But, no. Every single one of them voted that I was being a baby and that we were going to go to see the Statue of Liberty.

I wasn’t too thrilled about going, but gave in when they pretty much threatened my life for being a ‘party pooper’. The day got even worse when I decided that we might as well walk if they wanted to see sights. They all are lazy bastards and whined like five year old when the words left my mouth. Needless to say, I dropped that immediately.

I got into the car grudgingly, all but slamming the door beside me, and started the car. I was honestly surprised that they agreed to let me drive one of the cars. That was my condition, but they all agreed that one of them should go with me, just in case. I didn’t have the reputation of the best driver around.

After a few matches of rock, paper, scissors, Georg groaned in defeat and hesitantly got into the passenger seat.

Tom wanted to take his precious Escalade that he had shipped out here for no apparent reason. He claimed that he missed it and wanted to see it, which made absolutely no sense, since we were leaving in less than two weeks anyways. But, of course, the rock star gets what he wants.

Everyone else opted with riding with Tom, apparently unwilling to risk their lives. At least that’s what they said. I honestly didn’t think I was that bad. Just a few mishaps here and there, nothing major. But, apparently they thought differently.

I pulled out after Tom, falling his black beauty through the crowded streets of New York. I huffed, driving just make any sense to me. Why drive in these awful streets when we could walk there in half the time? Lazy bastards.

I fumed silently in my seat as I inched slowly behind Tom. We weren’t going to get there until dark, and miss all the ferry’s completely. It was all there fault, and I just knew that there were going to find some way of blaming it on me. It had somehow turned into ‘Pick on Natasha Day’ and that’s what they had been doing. All effing day. I had to get my revenge.

Georg sat beside me, awkwardly shifting every now and then. He kept looking out the window, and wasn’t his usual witty self. I knew that he was just dying to get out of here. I rolled my eyes, my unusual bitter attitude taking over completely.

I glared furiously ate Tom’s license plate, trying to come up with something that would be the ultimate revenge. I kept racking my brain, what was something that they all hated? I couldn’t seem to think of anything.

It took ten more slow inches on the New York street for it to hit me.


The ultimate pain and suffering for the members of Tokio Hotel. They didn’t embarrass easily, so it had to be something big, something attention seeking.

I smiled evilly as the idea came to me. I had seen something about this on the Internet a few weeks ago, and decided that it was time to try it. Why not? It was the perfect time.

Georg shifted again and glanced at me in the process. He could feel the negative emotion radiating off me and looked almost scared when he caught the smile playing on my lips.

“What are you planning Nattie?” Georg said, keeping his eyes on my pale face.

I sent him a fleeting glance before turning back to the morning traffic. “Nothing,” I said, “Absolutely nothing.” My voice was low, and very uncharacteristic.

But, that’s okay. What was getting ready to happen was very Natasha like.

I waited until we entered the heart of the traffic jam, and jumped out of the car. Putting it in park before I did so and leaving it running. I ran to Tom’s Escalade in a faux frantic sprint.

I ran around it in circles, flailing my arms around like a lunatic. The people in there cars turned from the traffic and turned to watch the crazy girl running around the expensive car. The people on the sidewalks, walking to work stopped as well to get glance at frantic girl.

I pushed back the smirk that wanted grace my face, the attention was exactly what I was hoping for. I opened my mouth and let out a shrill scream before yelling, “Chinese fire drill!”

A few people started laughing and some even whipped out their phones to take videos and snap pictures. I once again had to suppress the smirk, I could just see the headlines now.

I was to busy being lost in my thoughts and yelling to notice that Bill had opened the back seat door. When I looped around he grabbed my by my sleeve and yanked me in, not even bothering to check if I was completely inside before slamming the door.

I didn’t even get to compose myself before Tom whipped around to glare at me. The expression on his face was a mixture of panic, embarrassment, anger, and confusion. Better than what I was hoping for.

“What the hell, Natasha?” Bill hissed in an almost whisper as he looked around at the people that still surrounded the car. His eyes were dancing from person to person, taking in each ones appearance before turning to the next. The look on shock and panic were evident on his face.

“You deserved it,” I spat before I could stop myself, “You guys have been assholes all day, not even stopping to think about someone other than yourselves. You should have just left me at the hotel.” My voice was practically dripping in venom, expressing just how pissed off I really was.

“Yeah, we should have.” Tom muttered, before turning back to the traffic. His eyes were glued to the car in front of him, not allowing himself to look at anyone.

I wasn’t going to admit it, but the words that left his mouth stung. I was almost like a thousand needles flew out of nowhere and embedded themselves into my skin.

Bill looked at me sadly, but the hint of anger in his eyes was enough for my heart to drop even more. “The Nattie I know would have never done something like that, she would have told us instead of making a big scene and embarrassing everyone.” Bill whispered bitterly before turning his beanie clad head and looking out the window.

I looked to Gustav, who had been sitting in the front the entire time, just looking at me not even uttering a word. I pleaded him with my eyes, hoping that he would see my side of things. But, he just shook his head and turned back to the front just as Tom had done.

My heart nearly broke.

We sat in silence the rest of the way to the park. The traffic seemed to quicken significantly after a few minutes, and I could only thank god for that. Georg had apparently taken over driving the car that I once had been, because no one said anything about it. So, I was left to my thoughts.

I couldn’t believe how dumb I had been. I knew Bill was right, so why did I do it? At the time it seemed so logical, so right. And I still wanted to believe it was. They had been so mean and selfish all day, so they deserved it right? I had a reason to do what I did. I didn’t do anything wrong, right?

As much as I wanted to believe that, I couldn’t.

When we arrived to the park where the ferry was located, I informed them that I wasn’t feeling well and that I was just going to stay in the park until they got back. No one said anything, the only hint that anyone had heard me was the small nod that Georg sent me before everyone made there way to the small boat.

I had hopped that Tom would say something, anything. But, he didn’t even look at me. Was he that mad?

I wrapped my arms around myself as I sat on the cold bench. I wanted to cry so bad, but I wouldn’t allow myself. It was so unlike me. Everything that I had done today was so unlike me. What the hell was wrong?
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35. Follow his car and when he stops jump out of your and run around his yelling "Chinese fire drill!"

What's wrong with Natasha?