Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


The next day rolled around quickly, a little bit too quickly for my taste. I didn’t have the courage to talk to Tom after my little stunt. He didn’t bother to talk to me either. That didn’t help my fear, and neither did the headlines the next morning. It was a picture of Bill pulling my into the car and Tom’s angry face staring out the window. At the tops in all caps was ‘TOKIO HOTEL’S TOM KAULITZ DATING A MENTAL PATIENT?’. Okay, that’s not what it really said, but it was close enough. That’s what it should have said.

I sighed and threw the newspaper across the room. I had been starring at it long enough and needed to stop dwelling on it. Instead, I needed to be thinking up a way to make Tom stop hating me, or at least stop being angry with me.

I laid down on my stomach and rested my chin my on palm. This was going to be harder than I thought, there really wasn’t anything that she could do. Of course, I could tell the truth. But, that would only bring up questions that I wasn’t sure I wanted to know that answer to. I sat and thought about it for a long time yesterday, and could only come up with one conclusion that made any sense.

But, I was showing any other symptoms so it couldn’t be that right?

I shook the thoughts from my head, I needed to stop thinking about that and start thinking about what I was going to do about the Tom issue. I sighed loudly, and looked around the room hopelessly. My eyes landed on the sharpie laying on the nightstand and it came to me. I smiled and reached for the marker. How was my mind so brilliant?

I walked out to the living room area where I knew Tom had slept and was probably up watching T.V. by now. I crept in and found that I was correct, Tom was sitting in his boxers, watching a show that I didn’t recognize.

I walked in, ignoring his disapproving looks and shoved my ass right in his face. “What the hell, Natasha?” Tom grunted, pushing my out of the way, “What are you doing?”

I held out the sharpie and put my butt right back into his face, “Autograph my ass,” I said gleefully, waiting for him to take the marker.

“No,” He said, pushing me out of the way and standing. He walked out of the room, but I just followed him, butt first. It was really hard to walk backwards and knew I was going to fall eventually, but it was worth it.

“Aw, come on, please!” I begged, pretty much keeping my butt attached to him as he walked to the kitchen.

He growled and started to run away, “No Natasha, now go away!” he yelled then proceeded to run out of the room.

I giggled, that wasn’t going to stop me. I knew running backwards wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but I didn’t want him angry any more. “Don’t resist the ass Tom!” I yelled, a fit of giggles following shortly after.

I continued to do so for a few seconds, ignoring Tom’s constant yells for me to stop. Then the enviable happened. I tripped.

“Oh crap!” I yelled as I started to fall backward. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact, but it never came. Instead, a pair of hands caught me by my upper arms and were suspending my upper body in the air.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked up to meet Tom’s still disapproving eyes. I only smiled up at him and laughed. “Don’t be mad at me, please?” I asked, pleading the best I could with my eyes.

Tom’s face scrunched up for a few seconds, as of in a debate with himself. “You can’t do stuff like that anymore, Nattie. We don’t need the bad publicity. America is just now starting to take us in, and we can’t screw up.” he said harshly.

I sighed sadly and got to my feet. I turned to took at Tom’s towering figure as I did. “I know, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

Tom continued to hold me in his hard stare for a few moments before he sighed and his gaze softened. I was surprised, and the surprise get greater when he pulled me into his arms.

“You make it so hard for me to be angry with you.” He mumbled into my hair, running his fingers through it.

I sighed in content, it had only been a day but I missed that feeling. “Good, I hate it when you’re angry.” I mumbled into his chest.

Everything turned out better than expected.
♠ ♠ ♠
36. Ask him to autograph your ass

I know it's shorter than what I've been posting lately, but it's all I could do with this one. :( I'm sorry, forgive me? At least it's something right? The next chapter will be longer, I promise!
Only 5 more chapters to go! Then maybe a sequel if you guys really want one!

I'd like to thank XxIngvill for being the only person to comment. :) I'd also like the thank all the people who have subscribed recently. You guys keep this story going!
