Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


The days went by so fast, it wasn’t even funny. There were only two days left in the break and then we were off to Germany. I didn’t want to go. Don’t get me wrong, I missed my parents and my little sister but I loved America. It’s just amazing and so free.

We were wondering around the mall. All we had done almost this entire trip was shop, shop, and shop some more. Bill was hell bent on getting everything he could lay his hands on, and for some reason that involved dragging everyone around with him.

I rolled my eyes as Bill power walked around the store. I forgot what the name of it even was and I wasn’t really even paying attention to anything. Tom was off doing god knows what, and Georg and Gustav were just lingering around the store. I, for one, was hiding in a rack of jeans. Bill had tried to get me to try on something that Rainbow Bright must have puked up and bolted as soon as I had the chance. Now, I refused to leave my spot until I knew it was safe, which would be never.

I was watching the feet that walked past the rack, judging what the person would look like by what shoes they were wearing. It was actually a pretty fun game, I’ m pretty sure I saw Ron Weasley shoes more than a few times.

I was concentrating on a pair of Chuck Taylor's when I saw a pair of shoes I would recognize anywhere. Plus, the jeans just gave it away. I hesitantly reached out and grabbed his foot, pulling on it. “What the fuck?” I heard him mutter, before pushing the jeans away to look at me.

“No, no, no! He’ll see me! Get in here!” I whispered, pulling him in the rack with me wide eyed.

I could not risk Bill seeing me, it would be torture. When I managed to get the six foot tall man to fit in the rack with me, I closed the jeans around us like a curtain, earning a few confused stares from bystanders. I just glared, daring them to say anything.

“What are you doing?” Tom said, raising one of his eyebrows.

“Hiding from Queen Diva.” I whispered, looking at the feet around us to make sure Bill wasn’t around. “He’s trying to make me try thing on. I am not a Barbie doll, damnit!” I cursed, earning a laugh from Tom.

“You know you’re his own personal toy.” he said, pulling me into his lap.

I groaned, leaning my head against his shoulder. “I know and I hate it.”

He only laughed, and held me close to him. I know it might look weird to people if they could see us. But, I was incredibly comfortable and just didn’t care. I sighed in content, and closed my eyes, listening to his heartbeat.

I was literally getting ready to fall asleep when I heard it. The sound of someone else crawling under the jeans. I shot up, “What in the actual fu-“ I stopped my words when I saw the face of a little boy crawling under the jeans.

He smiled a gummy smile, and giggled. His big cheeks turning a shade of pink. He couldn’t have been more than a year and a half old, and good god was he cute. “Aw,” I cooed, pulling him into my arms.

“What are you doing here little buddy?” I asked, brushing my finger against his soft cheek. “You’re momma must be worried sick,” I muttered, and went to get out of jean, ignoring the looks from Tom and making sure the toddler wasn’t harmed.

As I stood, I looked around the store, but didn’t see anyone that could be missing a child. A look of confusion made its way to my face as I walked up to the front desk.

“Hello,” I said, getting the woman’s attention.

She smiled, “Yes, may I help you?” She asked, glancing at me and then the baby in an almost disapproving way. I knew she thought he was mine.
“I found this child wondering around, I think he’s lost.” I said, but ended up having to repeat myself due to my thick accent.

She took the child from me, and announced over the intercom that a child was found. Not even a few seconds went by before a hysterical brunette scrambled to the front and scooped the child into her arms. “Isaac, don’t ever do that to me again.” She cried, holding his small body close to her.

She looked to me, noticing that I was standing there. “Are you the one that found him?” She asked.

It took me a few seconds to realize that she was talking to me, but nodded when I did. “Oh, yes. I saw him crawl under a rack of clothes. I didn’t see anyone around so I brought him up here.” I fibbed. It wasn’t a total lie; I did see him crawl into the rack. I just didn’t mention that I was hiding in said rack.

She sniffed and sent me a smile, “Thank you.”

I smiled, “It’s no problem.”

She gave a short nod, before turning and walking away.

I turned to retreat to my hiding spot, only to come face to face with a chest. My eyes trailed up the person’s body to find Tom’s eyes staring down at me. “What?” I asked confused.

“I’ve never seen you act like that before,” He commented in interest.

“Act like what?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“Motherly,” he said, “You didn’t even act like that with Felicity.” He said.

I laughed, “I did so, you just didn’t see it.” I said, poking his chest and winking. “Because you’re a bad influence on children and Felicity always acted like a brat around you.” I said.
“I am not,” He grumbled.

A sly smile graced my face at his reaction, “Someone’s getting defensive,” I sang, twirling my body a bit.

“Whatever, Nattie. I am not a bad influence.” He said.

“Then explain why that little boy crawled into the rack.” I said, following him as he walked away.

“I don’t know, maybe he just wanted to play.” He said with a simple shrug of his shoulders.

I quickened my pace so I was beside him, “You and I both know that that is not the case, he saw you go in so he went in. I call that a bad influence.” I said.

“You where in there too!” He accused.

“But, I didn’t make any children crawl in too.” I said, smile still in it’s place.

“Whatever, Nattie.” He grumbled.

I laughed, “You so know I’m right.”
♠ ♠ ♠
39. Tell him he's a bad influence on children.

I think.

Only two more chapters until the end, comment tell me what you think?
Love you guys.