Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz

Kelly Clarkson

I apologized to Tom before we went to bed that night. He also apologized, saying that he overreacted and that it wouldn't happen again. Honestly, I was shocked. I don't think he needed to apologize at all. I had been getting on his nerves a lot that day.

Now, we were walking around the mall. Bill and I decided that we wanted to go shopping, and we dragged everyone with us. They were all in there ridiculous disguises, that consisted of a hat and sunglasses. Did they really think that was going to hid them? If they do, they have issues.

Tom and I were walking around, trying to pick out a store to go in. We had split up with the other guys about thirty minutes ago, and we still hadn't sent into any of the stores.

"What about that one Tom?" I said pointing at the store.

Tom looked and made a disgusted face, "Hot Topic? No thank you." He said and turned to go in a different direction.

I sighed and followed after him. You see, Tom and I have to very different tastes in clothing. So, it's very hard to pick a store that we are both willing to go into.

"Tomi!" I said dragging the 'i' out. "Why can't we go into any of the stores I like?" I asked tugging on his shirt sleeve.

"The same reason we can't go into any of the stores I want to go in Nattie."

"But, I went in that one store with you!" I whined. Tom rolled his eyes.

"We aren't going into that store Nattie."

"Fine, but you just wait and see what I do." I said angrily.

"You won't do anything." He sounded so sure of himself. Just wait, Tom Kaulitz, I'll get you.

I turned to a random girl in the mall that just happened to be walking by us and said loudly "Did you know that his personal hero is Kelly Clarkson." I pointed at Tom.

The girl looked at me and muttered a "That's nice.." then walked away.

I continued to do this to random people, making sure that Tom heard me. I could tell he was getting angry. I laughed inwardly and jumped on the edge of the fountain, getting ready for the grand finale.

I took in a deep breath and shouted at the top of my lungs "Tom Kaulitz's personal hero is Kelly Clarkson!" Then bolted off the fountain and ran threw the mall, knowing full well that Tom was chasing me by this time.
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4. Loudly tell anyone who happens to walk by that Kelly Clarkson is his personal hero