Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


"Ugh, that stupid bastard. I'll get him for just leaving by myself. I will have my revenge." I mumbled to myself.

I had been lost in the mall for a good two hours now. There has still been no sign of any of the guys. I was beginning to think they left me here. I wouldn't be surprised, with Tom seriously pissed at me and what not.

He probably told them I took a taxi back to the hotel. Oh god, then I'll be stuck here forever. I'll never get out of here alive, knowing my luck.

I spotted some girls wearing Tokio Hotel shirts talking excitedly next to Hot Topic. I had passed that store at least twenty times already. Honestly, I was getting tired of looking at it.

I sat down on the ground and sighed heavily. My feet were killing me, I had done nothing but walk around and hope that I would either find the exit or one of the guys. Sadly, neither of those things happened.

I just sat there, thinking of ways to survive in the mall. I could get my food from the food court, my clothes from any of the clothing stores, and my entertainment from the Game Stop. Oh! And I could sleep on one of those display beds in Sears. All I need to do is get the keys from the security guard, but how?

I was deep in thought, and didn't even notice the several pairs of feet that had approached me. I heard someone clear their throat and I quickly snapped out of my daze. I looked up at the people, they were the girls that I saw near Hot Topic a couple minutes ago.

"Hello." I said, and waved once.

Why were they talking to me? Did they know who I was? Please god, don't let them know who I am.

"Are are Tom Kaulitz's best friend?" Shit.


I'm such a bad liar, I knew that they knew I was lying. But I prayed that they didn't.

"You're lying." Damn it!

I had no choice, I had to fess-up.

"Okay, Okay. You caught me." I stood up and got a better look at all of them.

The one that was talking to me was tall against my 5"5' frame. She looked about 5"8', but I wasn't entirely sure. She had dark brown hair with light brown high lights. Her eyes were a chocolate brown color. She had he septum pierced and she was wearing a giant white bow in her hair.

Her two friends behind her were both giving me warm smiles.

The one on her right was short, about an inch shorter than me. Her hair was a mix between blond and red it was gorgeous. Her dark grey eyes reminded me of thunder clouds.

The one on her left was about an inch taller than me. She had red, blond, and black hair. Her eyes were a mix between hazel and green. She had her bottom lip pierced on the left side, just like Tom.

Wait! I don't need to be thinking of him right now. I need to focus on these girls, they look like the type that would kidnap me.

"I'm Natasha Hoch" I said, and waved once more.

The one with the white bow nodded.

"We know. I'm Ella Roberts. This is Stephanie May." She said pointing to the girl on her right, "And this is Desiree Chreiber" she pointed to the girl on her left.

I nodded at them.

"Is there any particular thing you wanted?" I asked, I was really hoping they weren't planing on kidnapping me.

"Um, we were wondering if you would introduce us to the guys." Stephanie said softly.

I smiled at them. "I would really love to. But, I've lost them. I'm actually beginning to think they left me here to fend for myself." I said.

I could see the disappointment in their eyes.

"But," I began, their eyes began to fill with hope.

I can't believe I'm getting ready to do this. They are all going to be mega pissed at me. Especially Tom.

"I can give you their every location. Maybe you'll get lucky and met them." I said.

The all nodded quickly.

I began to tell them everywhere we would be going on our stay in the US. When I finished telling they all thanked me and walked away.

I am such a dumb ass. I cannot believe I just did that.

I sighed and decided that I should continue my search for the guys. I don't think I would ever get the keys from the security guard.

I walked off in a random direction, hoping that I would run into one of the guys.

He is going to be so pissed...
♠ ♠ ♠
6. Give away his every location to his fans