Sequel: Searching
Status: complete.

40 Ways to Annoy Tom Kaulitz


Tom was so close to sending me home that day. But, Bill wouldn’t allow it. I cursed Bill in my mind all day for that one. I was so close to getting what I wanted then BAM he has to butt in.

I sighed loudly. I was currently sitting in the bus, the boys were doing a concert tonight and I was strictly forbidden to go into the venue. They were all scared I would screw it up somehow. That just makes me feel great about myself.

I rolled over in Tom’s bunk, trying to get comfortable even though I knew that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. I groaned and rolled out of the bed and onto the floor. I let out a grunt of pain when I hit the floor. I slowly pulled myself off of the floor and walked into to the small kitchen type thing.

I opened to cabinets and searched for Tom’s skittles. I knew he has some because he got them at the gas station we stopped at. I could have sworn he put them in the cabinet. I stopped when I realized what he had done. Tom was too smart to leave skittles alone on the bus with me. That little bastard took them into the venue. He knew I wouldn’t be able to get them there.

That ass, I’ll show him. I slipped on my flip-flops and stomped out of the bus and into the warm summer night. I honestly had no idea how to get into the venue. So, I just followed the music. I found the backstage entrance, only to find the guard that was supposed to be keeping watch, had fallen asleep.

What a dumbass, I thought and walked right into the building. I looked around for a sign on which way to go, but I didn’t find one. I shrugged and continued to walk towards the music. I eventually came across their dressing room. I smiled evilly and walked into the room. I poked me head in to make sure no one was in there before walking in and shutting the door quietly.

My eyes scanned the room for the skittles. I grinned wildly when I spotted them lying on the coffee table in the middle of the room. I ran over and grabbed them. I poured some into my hand and shoved them all into my mouth. I savored the taste as I chewed and swallowed slowly.

I took a deep breath and noticed how much the room smelled like hair-spray. I scrunched up my nose and walked out the room, skittles in hand. I had to talk to these boys about the use of hair-spray, and it just couldn’t wait. I walked closer to the music, trying to find the stage. I made sure not to drop any of the skittles on my way there. I soon found myself side stage. I grinned and ran out ignoring all of the staff’s protests. I ran out waving the skittles box in the air.

I ran over to Tom and took his microphone. I looked him right in the eyes and screamed right into the microphone “How can you perform when we’re destroying the Ozone layer?!
There was a mix of confusion and anger swimming in his dark eyes. I just smiled at him and ran off stage, but not before yelled “I’ve got your skittles!

My happy mood instantly died down when I got outside and realized that I was in deep shit. I decided that going back to the bus was a bad idea. I was defiantly not in the mood for being yelled out tonight.

I sighed and kicked a nearby rock. I didn’t know what to do. Do I just hang around outside of the venue and hope not to run into any of the guys? Or do I go exploring around the city? I decided that I had a better chance of not being yelled at if I just left the venue for a while. So, that’s what I did. I walked away from the venue and down the side walk. Tom’s skittles in my hand.
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9. In the middle of a concert run up to him and yell: How can you perform when were destroying the Ozone layer?