Status: suspended

Did Just MR. Perfect Try To Seduce Me?

‹ Ch.1 ›

Another boring evening in my life. No one to blame actually. In the small town rarely happens something interesting.
Maybe I should be happy that I work in that stupid café with my best friend. That was the most interesting way of life for bored 17 years old kids like me.
I tried to smoothen my pink apron a little bit. I had no idea who decided to invent pink aprons but one thing was sure – he or she had no imagination at all.
For someone with more that the necessary pride would be humiliating to wear it. Did I mention the not –so- beautiful green print – “Charlie`s”?
And why this café was named Charlie`s when the boss – a chubby funny man in his forties was called James ?!
Who knows… Maybe uncle James secretly wanted to be Charlie or he admired some celebrity called Charlie.

I tapping on the counter startled me. It was Samantha or Sam, whatever, just my best friend.
“Hey are you dreaming awake again?”, giggled she
“Um… note really just thinking about stupid things.”, I stretched my arm

I bet you`ll agree that pink aprons weren`t something really clever. This is what boredom caused to my poor brain.

“New customers!”, whispered Sam, “ Go and take care of them.”
Well, she was the boss when James wasn`t here, so I had to go. But something in her voice made he look at the customers first. Usually I just go there straight away.
Strangers. Complete strangers. Here is the big news in the town – new guys around and I was one of the first witnesses.
I started to walk to their table.
They were two guys nearly my age, two extremely hot guys. First one had blue eyes and blond hair. Saying it sounds cliché but his features were so right. I mean you really can`t imagine the symmetry in his face, every part of it was so … proportional.
The other one had chocolate brown hair and green eyes.
No one of them noticed me. I guess I wasn`t really a shining beauty.
I cleared my throat to catch their attention.

“Good evening, what would you like to drink?”, I asked with my usual polite voice which was trademark only for customers
The brown haired guy glanced at me without any interest. He opened his mouth to order but his symmetric friend interrupted him.

“ I would like to gulp that hottie there.”, he pointed somewhere behind me

I turned to see that so called hottie.
Um yeah, I forget to mention about the second waitress Danielle. Let me give you brief description – platinum blond hair (dyed of course, her natural color is brown like mine), puts violet contacts on ( 99% of the male population here thinks it`s hot, but for me it`s creepy), slight form of anorexia but huge bra size ( plastic surgery makes wonders , you know).
Her parent were really rich I had no idea why she was working at first place. Just for fun?

“Okay let`s make a deal.”, I smiled covering my anger, “ I`ll take your order now and then I make sure that she`ll bring it to you. Okay?”

Right now Danielle was supposed to attend the customers who happened to be from our school so her attending was more like chatting about the latest gossip.

Okay, now I officially hated those guys. When I was walking back to the counter, I was thinking about various things. What`s so wrong to be just average beauty!? Hello everybody has charm! Well some of us have more than one but, it is one in a million. Yeah, and two of the exceptions were sitting there.
I told Sam their order.
“Do you think they are moving here or they are just passing?”, she asked excited
“No idea.” I frowned and called Danielle to explain her their wish
Just like me she first examine them. Both guys winked her.

I hit my head with the counter. I wasn`t that ugly. I was just an average person. I also had blue eyes. Well, not as beautiful as the symmetric guy`s ones but… Maybe I wasn`t feminine enough? Who cares - I love baggy clothes, besides nobody in the town doesn`t worth to be impressed. I had brain! Oh yes, brain isn`t visible, so no one can actually admire me.

Danielle was already flirting with the new guys.
“She is such a bitch!”, exclaimed Sam ,” She is just so…usable. Those guys deserve something prettier.”
“Those guys deserve nothing but that stupid blond girlie.” , I answered firmly

Do u know what`s the problem with the beautiful people?! They know that they are beautiful and they realize that everybody knows it too.

I saw uncle James coming to us.
“What`s up kids?”
We gave him tired smiles.
“Okay, enough for today!”, he laughed , “ And don`t forget to come tomorrow. Salary time!”
I and Sam giggled madly. Not because of the money but… actually who know? You knows, puberty is really bad bad disease.

We took off our aprons (hooray!) and said goodbye to uncle James.

The parking lot was dark and gloomy place. I saw there only four or five cars.
“ Do you think that we can ever escape this hell?”, asked Sam

“This hell” was the town. Living here for years makes you a person without any perspective. The thing she was most afraid of.
“You`re asking me this every evening when we go home. What`s special about this place?”, I laughed

We reached the car but we didn`t got in. Next to it was parked amazing silver beast.
“Well, I meant I don`t want to stay here forever and drive this.” Sam hit her poor cute but old red car

For a moment we looked each other in silence. I was afraid to stay here forever too. I didn`t want to spend my whole life somewhere between Danielle, stupid school jocks and who knows who else.

“I want to have nice cars just like those guys in the café. I want to have a boyfriend who looks just like them.” She whined

“Come on, Sam!”,I shouted, the hidden anger just poped out of me, “ What do you think those guys in the café were like?! A bag full of hormones!!! Just like every normal boy. And what about the looks?! They are beautiful? Big deal. It is not like they are the most beautiful creatures in this world. I`ve seen even more handsome men!”
I`ve seen, of course, in magazines.

Someone behind me coughed. Sam`s eyes widen in shock.
I turned myself to face symmetric guy and company. His friend was the one who coughed, his hand was still in front of his mouth. Danielle was with them. Her eyes wide open in horror looked comical.
Symmetric guy`s eyes landed on me.
I guess they were surprised that somebody even tried to say something bad about them.
Maybe I shouldn`t say it that loud but it was how I actually felt.
I was the first one who broke the eye contact.
“let`s go.”, I whispered and got in the car
Sam hurried to follow me. She started the car.

“Kaylie. you. are. total. freak.”, Sam shrieked,” But I love you so much, you stupid crazy girl!”
“Of course, you love me.”, I giggled, “ But watch out the road.”

She tried to focus but she couldn`t stop laughing.
Remember the puberty thing I said earlier. Completely true.
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Um.. new story. Hope you`ll like it.