Status: suspended

Did Just MR. Perfect Try To Seduce Me?

‹ Ch.2 ›

I rolled out of the bed. Why do kids have go to school?
I stretched myself heading to the bath. Twenty minutes later I was completely awaken.
This time I decided to pass the breakfast at home and patiently waited till Sam parked the car in front of our house.
“Good morning”, she greed as I got in the car
“Good morning”
“How do you feel?” Sam asked
“…after yesterday.” – was the rest of the question which she didn`t continue
“Fine I guess.”
Actually I felt guilty. Those guys were beautiful, so what? Nobody could choose their looks. And about Danielle – well, maybe if I were I guy I would like her too.
I really overreacted last night but I was almost sure they were already gone so I couldn`t apologize.
Sam stopped the car.
I didn`t even realized that we were already at school.
I and Sam weren`t in the same classes. So I waved her and went straight to my classroom.
It was noisy as always. I sat and began to chat with my neighbors. That is always good mental preparation for geography. Especially when I wasn`t really good at it.

Finally the teacher came and I had to stop my conversation. And I was just going to find out about Mandy`s trip to Paris. Now I had to wait till the next interval.
I didn`t really paid attention to teacher`s words until I accidentally didn`t hear something about new students.

“I`d like to introduce you Hunter and Brendon.”

My jaw dropped. Apparently my new classmates were the blond guy- Hunter and his friend – Brendon. And I really thought they were just passing trough the town.
All the girls began to whisper. I would do the same but one little detail stopped me from that.
Hunter`s eyes met mine and he gave me a cold glare. I turned my face burning from embarrassment. I definitely had to apologize… when I have courage of course.

“Sit there.”, the teacher pointed him the place next to me, “ And you over there.”

Life was nice. Hunter was on my right and Brendon behind him. I tried to look straight at the teacher but I still couldn`t prevent the redness on my face.
He didn`t looked at me even once. He had to be really angry.
Last night I sounded so rude, I was just envious. He wasn`t just a doll , he was a person with feelings after all.

Once the class was over I took a deep breath and turned to Hunter and Brendon. But they both quickly collected their books and disappeared from the room.

We didn`t share the next classes, so I couldn`t see him properly. I passed close to him a few times but he was always surrounded by people. It seemed like everybody wanted to talk to him.

I had no chance to apologize till the lunch break.
“You look so gloomy.”, said Sam when she saw me, “ What`s going on?”
“Nothing really. I`ll tell you later.”
Not that I didn`t trust her but somehow I didn`t want to talk about this now.
We found a free table and sat there.
Hunter and Brendon had already found their place somewhere between the famous ones.
Well, I guess they belonged there. The best clique for them.
“I can`t believe that they actually study here.”, exclaimed Sam watching in the same direction as me
“ I wonder what brought them here – in this forgotten place.”, I sighed

They were rich and beautiful. If I were rich and beautiful, I would live in a huge modern city and not here.

“You don`t know?”, she asked me as if I had to know
“ Haven`t you heard about Hunter?”
“What about him?”, I frowned
Gosh, he came here today and almost everybody here knew his story?! Did he write his autobiography or something?
“He is a super model.”
I choked with my sandwich.
“Are you kidding me?! What would do a super model here! It`s ridiculous!!”

I drank some water.
Sam leaned over me.
“It`s true. How could you not see him in any magazine?! Remember that photo shoot from ELLE that showed you?”

That happened a month ago. I tried to recall in my memory the guy`s face. Indeed he looked alike with Hunter.
“Then what is he doing here?” , I asked in disbelief, “ Doing another photo shoot?”
“Not sure.”, Sam shook her head, “ Sally said that she read in some magazine that he screwed up the things with his father and he sent him here.”
He said, she said, he heard, she heard…Nice story. For a movie.
“So Brendon is a model too?”
“ I think he is just a super model`s best friend.”, laughed she

Not that I really believed that super model stuff. Who would send his son in a small town?! What – did Hunter kill a man or something?
I stood.
“Okay, see ya after school.”
Sam winked me.
“See ya.”

I felt almost dead after that chemistry test. I dragged my exhausted body trough the corridor. I just really needed to refresh myself.
I washed my face in the girls bathroom. But when I checked my reflection in the mirror I was about to scream.
How could I be such a brainless creature and forget that my mascara wasn`t waterproof?!
Now I looked like an evil panda. I definitely wouldn`t go out without those black circles around my eyes disappear.
I texted to Sam not to wait me and began to wash my eyes.
Fifteen minutes later my ruined mascara was completely removed but my eyes were terribly red.

I came out of the bathroom. The corridor was completely empty. No wonder. Warm sunny day – who would spend their precious time in school? I hurried to do the same.
In the parking lot I saw a familiar silver car. It couldn`t be mistaken. No kid in the area couldn`t afford such an expensive ride.
I also saw Hunter coming . He said goodbye to some girls and headed towards the car. Well, I couldn`t say he was fascinated too see me there waiting for him.
His face expression shook my courage seriously but I clenched my fists and tried to stay calm.
“Hey.” , I muttered trying to sound cheerful
Fail. I didn`t.
Hunter slowed down his pace and stopped in front of me. He didn`t say anything.
I tried to pretend that I actually didn`t see his death glare.
“So, about yesterday…I`m sorry for what I said. I had a bad day and I know I shouldn`t use you as my target. I hope I didn`t hurt your feelings.”
Well, I made it.
Hunter stared at me for a second, then he began to laugh.
“My dear..”
“…Kaylie.”, I said
“Kaylie, why do you think that one ugly girl`s words would hurt me?!”
Hey, hey, that was mean. Really, really mean! I opened my mouth to say something but a sudden thought crossed my mind.
Of course he will fight back! I said rude things to him and now he does the same to me. At least now we were fifty - fifty.
“Okay whatever..” , I smiled , “ I guess we won`t treat each other bad anymore. Bye.”
I turned back and started to walk thinking about what just happened.
Model or not he was really beautiful.