Status: suspended

Did Just MR. Perfect Try To Seduce Me?

‹ Ch.4 ›

“You know that I am not into sport, right?” I tried to make Sam release me
“Okay, you can just sit and watch me.” , she held my hand even tighter
I had no idea what actually she was thinking. Why all of sudden sport?!
Sam liked to jog from time to time but nothing more.
And why not jogging in the park?! Was it too small for her Olympic abilities?

“No”, she explained, “Harry told me that he used to play there soccer when he was younger.”

Harry was her older brother, who left our town two years ago to work in a big company.
It was nice quiet Sunday afternoon when Sam rushed into my room and forced me to jog with her.
There is a nice place, she said, in the suburbs. Something like a huge meadow, perfect for outdoor activities.
“Why?!” , I stopped, “ I want to know why?”
“I just want to stay fit.”
Okay, that was weird. What she was trying to do and most important she didn`t tell me anything?
She continued dragging me along.
Actually her “meadow” was a field, one of the many in the suburbs. Indeed it was beautiful. But right now it was crowded with people who played soccer. Maybe Harry said to somebody else for this piece of heaven.
We came a little bit closer.
Suddenly one of the figures stopped running and stared at us. I recognized it immediately.
“Did you know he was here?!”, spat furiously to Sam
“N-no, I swear.”, she gave me a terrified look
She was honest with me. I could always catch her lying but now she told the truth
“Okay, let`s go!”
I turned into the opposite direction and began to walk quickly. She followed me with a gloomy expression.
“Waitress!”, I heard Hunter shouting
I didn`t react and just fastened my pace.
When I didn`t hear him anymore I decided he`s finally given up, but how wrong was I.
Someone caught me upper arm.
“Ouch!”, I turned to smack Sam. Did just thinking about sport make her stronger?
My hand froze in the air. It was Hunter who held it.
Sam was standing still and confused behind us.
“Why didn`t you turn back?”, he asked
I shook my arm so he can release me.
“Because I didn`t hear anyone calling my name.”
“So you came here to see me?”, an evil smirk formed on his lips
“ Brilliant, Holmes!”, I laughed hoping that he`ll feel the irony, “ Of course I didn`t came here to do some sport, I came here to see you.!”
He smiled.
“Who knows? Maybe I am the only one that worths in your ugly girl`s everyday life.”
“Well, I`ll be going then. Since you`re not available, I`ll find another pretty face to brighten my everyday life.”
Seriously, that guy was so annoying. He should forget what I`ve said then in the beginning and just move on.
“Hey, hey, where are you going? I would love to do some charity and brighten you day. Just sit somewhere around.”
“No, thanks”, I gave him cold smile and started to walk
Someone caught my hand again but this time it wasn`t Hunter.
“Let`s stay!”, whined Sam
Did just that traitor say ‘let`s stay’!? Was she crazy?! Or maybe she had fun watching me and Hunter fighting. No,no it wasn`t typical for her.

“I hate you.” I hissed while I was sitting on the grass,” I really hate you!”
“Sorry. I just wanted to watch.”
I have never been a real soccer fan. I disliked sports at general. And especially when Hunter was involved.
Sam was watching the guys with shining eyes. What was so interesting about them? I mean it`s just soccer.
“Aren`t they cool?!”, cried out Sam
“No, they aren`t.” , I muttered but she didn`t even hear me. She had eyes only for the game and for the players.
Gradually the sun went higher and higher in the sky. It was too hot.
I examined around - no trees, no other shelter. I was about to ask her to leave when all of sudden the running Hunter took off his shirt and threw it over me.
I fought with it until I could remove it from my face.
Sam was looking at him with eyes wide open.
“That`s hott!!!”, she whispered
“What the f…”
I accidentally saw Hunter`s upper body. Okay, it was really hot,but… I slapped my cheek and threw his shirt on the ground. It was still warm keeping his body temperature.
What he wanted to say with this? You won`t be able to see someone hotter than me?
Thanks to him I felt uglier and angrier as never before.
His eyes met mine and he smiled. He definitely knew how handsome he was. Then did he nagged at me like that? Okay, he was beautiful, I wasn`t. Fact. What was his problem with me?

I stood.
“Where are you going?”, Sam asked
“ I promised mom I`ll help her with house cleaning.”, I lied
“But.. but…I want to watch the game.”
“Yeah, no problem. I`ll go back alone.” I faked a smile
She shook her head not sure what`s going on. The worst was that I had no idea too. What was going on with me, what was going on with her, what was going on with my little world which now was crushing because of Hunter`s sharp tongue ?
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