Status: suspended

Did Just MR. Perfect Try To Seduce Me?

« Ch.8 »

“So you won`t be working tonight?” , I asked
“No, I`m kinda busy.”, answered Sam on the other line
I knew she was smiling even without to see her. And still I had bad feeling about this.
“ What about uncle James?”, I continued insisting like a child
“I`ll call him. Oh Kylie, sorry for not been able to drive you!”
“Don`t worry about that.”, The driving wasn`t the problem at all. I thought about her,” What so urgent came up? Something bad?”
“What? No, no.” , she laughed, “ It`s good actually, but I don`t want to tell you, not at least when it`s fact. So I`ll be going now, Kaylie. Bye.”
She hung up. I stood still holding the phone a couple of minutes, trying to realize what was happening.
Sam wasn`t herself anymore. But I couldn`t prevent the change anyway. I sighed and grabbed my jacket.

When I arrived at the Café it was still early. It was empty, most of the students came here after school or in the evening.
“Hi, Danielle.” , I greeted and rushed in the small room behind to change in the awful pink apron
She didn`t turn back and she didn`t answer but I didn`t take it personal. We have never been friends so I decided she`s just not in the mood.
I put my stuff in the locker and closed it.
“Sam won`t be here tonight, so if you want take the counter.”, I said when I come out
No response. I heard a sob coming from her. It was quiet and still it made me worried.
“ Danielle, are you alright?”
She nodded. I heard another sob. Oh my, she was definitely crying.
“What happened here?” I went to her and caught her shoulder
“ It didn`t happen here, it`s not the work…”
Then she turned around and her face really gave a shock.I have never seen Danielle like that. She was literally a ruin. The mascara was running all over her cheeks and the pink eyes shadows weren`t pink anymore but mixed with black. Only her violet contacts were the sign of the previous glamorous Danielle. As a result now she was looking like a crying alien.
Something huge and awful must have happened.
“What`s the matter?”, I asked truly concerned
She looked me for a moment trying to decide whether to tell me or not.

“They broke my heart.”, said she at last
“I-I`m sorry”, her simple words made my heart ache for unknown reason too
“But cheer up. Things like that happen all the time.”, I tried to smile and look optimistic, “ I am sure that thousands of guys want to date you.”

Her tears stopped falling down on her cheeks. Then she gave me the saddest smile I have ever seen in my short life. Her soul was expressing the pain through a smile. It was really heartbreaking.

“ He did not just broke my heart, Kylie. He used me.” , said she clenching her teeth,” Do you know what he said in the end? - You`re pretty, Danielle, but there are many pretties in this world.”
I would really kill that guy if he had said that to me.
For first time I realized that she actually had feelings. Under the cover of shiny blond hair and silicon she was just a normal person.

“I am really sorry, Danielle.”
“ But do you know what was the worst?”, she bit her lip, “ I liked him. I really really liked him. But Brendon was using me all the time!”

I frowned. Brendon? But of course, who else could it be? Nobody of the local boys would miss a girl like Danielle. She would be the first to dumb them.

“ You should`ve known. Brendon and Hunter think that they are too important for a people like us.”
“ No, they are not just thinking it, Kaylie.”, Danielle interrupted me, “They are important. They are important in a small town like ours, but they are important in the big city as well.”
“Yeah, Hunter`s modeling and stuff.” , I rolled my eyes

Danielle nodded.
“ My sister works in a fashion magazine.”, explained she,” They have made a couple of photo shoots with Hunter before. Do you have any idea how many people had to take care of him and his shiny friend who has no other job except to follow him?”

I shook my head.
“Many.” , Danielle sighed, “ They are too important for people like us. You said it. They come from a different world.”

In the beginning I though that I and Danielle come from different worlds, but now it seemed that we are on the same side.

I took a deep breath and smiled.
“Now, lets go and wash you face and please remove those ridiculous contacts. Soon the first customers will be here maybe including that idiot. So let`s show him who is Danielle!”

For first time she laughed for real and that warmed my heart.

This evening nobody couldn`t recognize Danielle. She was wearing no make-up and no violet contacts. Her hair was simply in a pony tail. She even was so nice to let me be on the counter.
The sad desperate Danielle was gone. She covered her tears with smile. She even talked with people who she normally ignored.
Everything was just perfect to the moment when in the café entered Hunter followed by the cheerleader Cherry who was something like his personal page.
He came directly to the counter and luckily Danielle didn`t see him. Cherry went to the tables and sat on an empty one.
“Good evening.”
I gave him a weird look. He was never polite with me.
Anyway he was a customer now.
“ Good evening, what would you like?”

It was better to take his order here that to send him to Danielle. I wasn`t sure if she could even look at him without thinking of Brendon.

“Blunt as usual.” , he smiled
“Maybe, but you`re not the only one client.” I said

Okay I was jealous. From who? From every single famous girl around who had the honor to catch his attention and I would be the waitress girl forever.

“ I passed the test.”, Hunter made puppy eyes
I should have noticed earlier. He was unusually happy.

“Wow, that`s great.” I smiled
“ Yeah, good job. You should be my personal tutor.”, he laughed
“No, thank you. I`ve had enough tutoring for the rest of my life.”
“Think again. Not everybody has the honor to have Hunter as a guest.” He gave me a charming smile as he was advertising himself

Danielle gave me the order from table number six and hurried to leave. Hunter didn`t noticed the how she looked at him.

“ Well, I`ll be just happy that I had that honor.”, I smiled, “ Now what would you like to drink?”
“What would you like to drink?” he asked with a sly smirk
“Me?”, I raised my eyebrows
I gave him a confused look.
“What would you like to drink now? C`mon recommend me something!”, he repeated
“Um…hot chocolate maybe.” I murmured unsure
Surprisingly Hunter didn`t laugh at me. He didn`t even say that it`s childish.

“Then I want hot chocolate.”
With eyes wide open I hurried to make it. Super model and an ordinary hot chocolate?
Hunter was such a riddle. Sometimes he was rude, sometimes – polite… He really confused me.
“Here.”, I left the cup on the counter with my trademark smile, but my heart was aching
“It`s yours.” He smiled
“What?”, I really couldn`t read the situation
“My treat.” He left a bill on the counter and waved to Cherry to follow him out

Stared first at him and then at the cup of chocolate. Hunter indeed was a riddle.