Status: suspended

Did Just MR. Perfect Try To Seduce Me?

« Ch.9 »

“ You are dating with who?!” , I spat angrily
“Brendon.” , smiled Sam

I stared at her with disbelief. I couldn`t recognize my friend in this girl.
Sam was wearing short red dress and it looked like she had spent at least three hours to make her hair.

“ Is that an eye liner on your eyes?”
She nodded.
“Brendon says he likes it.”
I didn`t say anything. When she managed to attract that guy? Moreover how that guy managed to be attracted by her?
“ I told you about Danielle and Brendon right? How can you date him after what you know?” , I asked
“Kylie, I am not Danielle. She is a fake shiny doll. That`s why Brendon broke up with her.”

Perhaps Sam didn`t notice that now she was the shiny doll and not Danielle. I barely could see her face because of the make up.
“ You know what?” I don`t feel well today. I may skip work.” , I smile and got off the car
“ Hey wait, Kylie!”, Sam opened the window,” What`s wrong?”
“ Just a headache. I need to rest a bit.”
I turned quickly and entered in the house.
My mother as usual was in the kitchen preparing the dinner. She gave me a surprised look.
“What`s the matter, Kylie? Why are you coming back?”
“ Nothing, mom. I am just completely alone.” I said quietly before I go upstairs

Half an hour later my mother found me sitting on my favorite red armchair hugging my legs.I was always putting near the window so I can see the street.
She sat on the bed.
“Is there anything you want to tell me?”, she asked
I glanced at her. She was holding a cup of tea.
Usually I knew could tell her anything because she was an open-minded parent but today I really didn`t want to explain. To tell her anything meant to feel again the same pain.
I shook my head.
“Not now. I am feeling so damn alone.”
It wasn`t difficult to guess that something had happened between me and Sam. She left the cup on the table.
“ Don`t give up just because something had gone wrong.”
“I know.” , I smiled, “ Now go down and rest. I know you are tired.”

With my father always traveling from here to there she had too many thing to do plus rising a kid in the puberty. Mission impossible.
“Think about the Halloween party. You talk about it since two months.”
Two months ago I and Sam got an invitation for Lesley`s party. It was planned with months, the most glorious event in our poor and complicated teen lifes.
And we both, Sam and I , had decided everything about it. The dress that I bought especially for it was in the wardrobe waiting for its first introduction to the world.
“ I won`t go.” I said quietly
“Why? Because of Sam? Even without her you can go and have fun.”

She knew me very well so it didn`t take her a lot of time to figure out the problem.
“Just go and rest. I know you want to.” , I sighed, “ I`ll drink my tea.”
‘As you wish.” She stood and took a few steps to the door, “ As a good parent I will leave alone so you could clear your thoughts but I really suggest you not to give up on the party so easily. Remember how you wanted it.”

“ I remember.” I answered and took a sip

I gave a blank look at the Café. It was a busy day and Sam had taken a day off again so it was only me and Danielle. From time to time we were switching the positions on the counter.
A little bit earlier Sam gladly told me that she will go to the party with Brendon and we could meet there. She really felt bad about this but she wanted to spend more time with him and bla bla…
Even better, I had one more reason not to go there.
“ You seem gloomy.” Noticed Danielle coming with order
“Because of Sam.” , I put a mochaccino on the counter
“Your friend will get hurt.” She said
“ I am afraid she will.” I answered making another drink

Only I saw Danielle crying that night and I also didn`t want to see Sam like that but she just didn`t listened to me.

“Are you going to the party tomorrow?”
“No, I`ll be out of the town.”, Danielle smotened her hair, “ I will visit my sister and so on..”
I smiled and opened my mouth to answer her but Hunter leaning on the counter interrupted our conversation.
I froze there with my mouth open feeling how my heart flutters.
“Hello ladies.” He gave us a sincere smile
Wait! No “waitress” or “ugly girl”? I had to suppress my smile.
Danielle just nodded took the mochaccinos and left me alone with him.

“So, you`ll be tomorrow at Lesley`s right?”, he asked
“No, I won`t be.” , I muttered under my breath
I had the feeling that I was saying it for 10th time already and every time it sounded even more and more depressing.
Hunter`s eyes widen.

“ Why not?”
“There`s no point of being there alone.”, I explained even more quietly, “ Because my best friend is spending her time with your best friend.”
“Ahh, Samantha?” he grinned, “ We can`t blame the girl if she want to be with famous ones.”

I really had the urge to hit him.

“ If you are not buying anything just leave.”
He stared at me for a moment that lasted forever for me.
“No, I was just passing by.”
Hunter turned back and left the café without to say anything more.

Usually I love Halloween. Well, I usually do. But this Halloween was an exception.
Mum had night shift at the hospital again and we had time just to put the stupid decoration around the house before she leave. Dad couldn`t come home for today too. He had a business meeting.

I was alone in the dark big house. I was sitting again in my favourite armchair turned to the window where I could see the street full of pumpkins with evil faces.
I turned off all the lights in the house except for that one on my desk but its light couldn`t be seen from outside. I really wasn`t in the mood to deal with groups of happy little kids. But just incase I had prepared a box of sweets.

I tried to read a book, but I couldn`t stop myself from looking out of the window. Damn , down there everyone was having fun with their friends.

My phone rang announcing me that I had a text massage and I almost dropped my book. I don’t know if it was too dark or I was too paranoid.

“Kaylie, I can`t wait to see ya at the party! Love ya! Sam”

“yeah, nice.” I mumbled and left the phone on my bed returning to my book
In this moment the bell on the front door rang. I felt really tempted not to open it but it rang again and again.
Mean little kids! Couldn`t they just leave me alone with my misery?

I ran downstairs and grabbed the sweets. But when I opened the door I saw nobody. The nearest group of children was in the end of street so it couldn`t be them. And then I saw it.
A big white box put on the stairs. I dropped the sweets. Who would leave it there?
I felt fear but I took it and I walked inside with it not forgetting to look back. But I didn`t saw anybody this time too.

I put the box on the table in the kitchen and opened it. The first I saw was a Venetian mask. Glorious and amazing, but still creepy. Under it I found blues fabric which turned to be a dress.
I began to panic when a small sheet of paper fall down.

‘get ready quickly. Meet me outside in 20 minutes’

So it was Sam after all! The handwriting wasn`t hers but maybe she asked Brendon that jerk to write it. And she sent me the message to prepare me.
I grabbed the stuff and happily rushed in my room. I got ready for less than fifteen minutes. It was no make up needed cause the mask covered my whole face.

I took it in my hand, took deep breath and opened the front door. The wind blew gently in my face and make the leaves in the trees to whisper. Someone moved from the night shadows and paced slowly to me.
But it wasn`t Sam…


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I arranged myself a marriage with a vampire …. By mistake Sequel?? -
Okay guys, here`s the deal. I decided to make a sequel of the story.
I`ll begin to write it when I finish my actual story ( so some feedback for it is a good idea also). ;))
Bye bye