Fallen Identity

Ch. 11

It seemed like I was only asleep for five minutes when I heard a loud banging on the door.
"Wake up! It's breakfast time!" came the voice of the demon who seemed to be my personal guard.
"What's your name?" I shouted back before thinking. I really needed to know his name instead of calling him 'demon who talked'.
"Lilith," he sneered back from behind the door.
"What about Mr. Silent?" I asked, hoping he knew who I was talking about.
"His name is Shalbriri," he muttered and then shouted, "Are you gonna play 20 questions all day or cook?!"
"Ok, I was just wondering is all," I grumbled back and then began working on cooking. Apparantly, the fridge was restocked over night with everything off of my list. I began cooking sausage and bacon since I didn't think they ate anything else besides meat. What was the word? Carnivores.
I made enough for everyone to have thirds and then made myself toast and cereal. After I hurriedly cleaned up my mess, I went to go serve everyone. It went by a lot faster now that I knew what to expect.
I even heard some of the demons say I was a really good cook and then they all called me a girl and laughed. Knowing that I am a girl, I wasn't all that offended.

A week went by of the same routine of cooking and cleaning in the kitchen all day, everyday. I got used to see the faces of the demons and wasn't as terrified after hearing some of their conversations. Their conversations always involved some type of idiotic question that recieved and even more idiotic answer.
I was getting impatient waiting around when I had free time. It kept making me think of how and when I was going to die. I soon put down different books to read on the grocery list to see if they were stupid enough to actually buy them. Apparantly, they were. Though Lilith and Shalbriri gave me strange looks but didn't say anything about it. So I began reading and just getting lost into different stories.
While in the middle of reading Pride and Prejudice, I felt a light tap on my head and looked up to come face to face with Jacine. I flinched and she pouted.
"Really now. Am I that terrifying?" she asked and snatched the book out of my hand. "Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I have a first edition of this book. I met the author too."
She looked over at me then and gave me a strange look and said, "Now why would a boy be reading love stories?"
Oh crap. I didn't even think of that. "I, uh, had to read them for school. Thought since I had all this free time, might as well put some good use to it."
"Free time? Well why didn't you say so?" Jacine laughed and then pulled me up off the cot and dragged me to a room that was next door. She pushed open the door and swung me into the room. She pointed to a toothbrush and said, "Start scrubbing."
Great. Well at least I'll have my head preoccupied. Between cooking, cleaning, and scrubbing, I had no time for reading or even trying to figure out a way out of here. I was so worn out that I didn't even realize how many days passed until Jacine called for me to come to her room. I didn't need guards anymore, so I could pretty much walk freely wherever I wanted to as long as it wasn't the exit.
"Hello Jacine," I greeted her before taking a seat on the chair in front of her desk.
"I want you to call me Jezebeth from now on. Jacine is just my human name but Jezebeth resembles power," she said before looking down at a paper on her desk. Her room sure was clean for a demon. There was not a hint of dust anywhere and everything was properly organized.
"Ok," I said and then added, "Jezebeth."
"Well I think you've suffered long enough. Now, I want you to make a call." She pushed a cell phone toward me. "I want you to tell your angel buddies that you're alright and that you want to meet them somewhere. Tell them to meet you at the third crossroad." The third crossroad?
"Well what if they don't show up at this third crossroad place? And how would they know where to go anyway?" I asked, confused.
"They'll go no matter what. If they believe you are there and safe, they'll come because they were worried about you. If they think this is a trap, they'll come to fight. Either way, they'll come and you all will die. Now about the crossroads. It's said that crossroads are a place of power. A place where the dead and the living interact with eachother. The third crossroad is right before the fourth. Let's just say nothing is coincidental."
"Well that's just insane. The dead can't contact the living," I said. "That's why their called dead, meaning their gone forever."
"Ah but that's where your wrong. The dead can contact the living. The dead can sometimes even come back to life," Jezebeth whispered that last sentence, sending uncomfortable chills down my spine. "Well, what're you waiting for? An invitation? Call them already!"
I quickly grabbed the phone and punched in the number with shaky fingers. Raz answered immediately after the first ring.
"Hello?" Raz said.
"Uhh hey Raz. It's, um, Carter." I tried to sound as calm as possible.
"Carter? Where've you been man? We thought you were kidnapped by Kage or something. Are you alright?" he asked me, sounding worried.
"I wasn't kidnapped by Kage." I was kidnapped by Jezebeth. "I want to meet you all somewhere."
"Uh ok. Where?" he asked and I could hear the other guys in the background asking if I was alright.
"The third crossroad," I said quickly and then hung up. I looked up at Jezebeth and she just smiled and held her hand out for the phone. I placed it in her palm, careful not to touch her. She immediately balled the hand that was holding the phone into a fist and then the phone snapped just after it began to ring.
"Ok. Were ready to go now," Jezebeth stated and then skipped toward the door and screamed out, "Ok. I have a special treat for everybody. Fallen Angels for dinner!"
A loud uproar of agreement sounded throughout the halls and I had to plug my ears.
"Let's go Carter dear. You're going to be our decoy," Jezebeth threw her head back and laughed. She danced over to the doors that I guessed were the exit since I never saw anyone use them. Jezebeth threw open the doors and latched onto my arm pulling me into the crisp night air.
The demons followed but disguised themselves as they exited the.. lair. I looked back to see nothing. No doors or anything to show we had just been inside only seconds ago. So the door is invisible or just hidden like how the elevator to the safezone is.
Jezebeth kept laughing and dancing around like a little girl would until we came to a first crossroads. I saw a little girl cross the roads in front of me. She was clutching a small stuffed kitten that look strangely familiar. I kept walking with the group. Mostly because I was being pushed if I didn't.
When we came to the second crossroads, I had a deja vu moment. The same little girl crossed right in front of me except clutching a small notebook in her hands. The notebook looked familiar just like the stuffed kitten had. Maybe I was imagining things.
At the third crossroads, everyong stopped but I again, I saw the same little girl and this time she had a balloon tied around her wrist. The balloon looked familar as well but I couldn't tell where from. No one else seemed to notice this little girl except for me. I was still staring after where the little girl had disappeared to when Jezebeth tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped and turned around to face her.
"They should be here shortly. Were going to hide. Just act normal and leave the rest to us," she smiled and talked as if I wanted to do this. "Your death will be the least painful I can assure you."
I just narrowed my eyes at her and nodded my head. I leaned against a lightpost and waited. Sure enough, I saw all of the guys come and Cameal grinned real big when he saw me.
"Hey Carter!" he shouted and ran up to me, ahead of everyone else. "What happened? We thought you were a goner."
"I uh had to make a trip back home. I'm sorry I didn't call. Old girlfriend troubles," I gave him a small smile. Knowing what was going to come.
"Somethings not right here," Micah said suddenly. Everyone tensed and looked around. Just then, all the demons jumped out of their hiding places and grabbed hold of all of them. They struggled against the demons' grips but just weren't strong enough when they had to fight off ten of them at once. I panicked and said sorry a million times.
Jezebeth appeared behind me and place her hand on my shoulder, restraining me. All of the guys had shock written all over their faces.
"Yay! I win!" Jezebeth squealed.
"Win? Win what?" I askd her. She stopped jumping up and down in excitement and looked at me.
"Why, this round of course," she smiled.
"Yes, I told you you were all going to die tonight but I lied. This is only round one dear Carter," she said and started doing somersaults.
"So we can't eat the angels for dinner?" one of the demons shouted.
"No. We need them alive for now," Jezebeth stated. A look of sadness washed over all of the demons' faces. "Let them go."
All of the guys were released and then Jezebeth told us goodbye and made her way back toward the way we came instead of the fourth crossroad, leaving me behind. We were all shocked and confused as to what just happened. She kidnaps me, makes a big deal about killing us all and then just leaves?
"Carter?" Elijah's voice rang through the air.
"Yeah?" I answered back.
"Let's go back now," Gabriel interrupted. The guys started walking toward the fourth crossroad but I stayed put.
"Carter? Aren't you coming?" Cameal asked me after he noticed I wasn't walking with them.
"Uhh.. can't we go this way," I said and pointed behind me.
"This ways faster," Micah asserted.
"This ways safer," I contradicted.
"What do you mean this ways safer?" Raz asked me, clearly confused. I don't know why but I had this strange feeling about crossing the fourth crossroad. But maybe that's all it was. Just a feeling.
I finally just shook my head and declared that it was just nothing and that Jezebeth was screwing with my head. They nodded their heads but Cameal still looked worried.
When we reached the fourth crossroad, the same little girl passed again. She was clutching the notebook and stuffed kitten in her hands and had the balloon tied around her wrist. But this time, she stopped right in front of me and turned her head to look at me. I gasped. The little girl looked just like me from when I was five. Her face was extremely pale and her hair was dull and flat. Her eyes were emotionless and painful to stare into.
How could this lifeless girl look just like me? She had a sorrowful expression and pointed to the notebook handing it to me. I traced the cover with my fingertips, trying to recall where I had seen it before..