Fallen Identity

Ch. 15

"Well you know, sometimes the best hiding spot is one in plain sight," I remarked as I practically snatched the diary out of his hands.

"Yes, maybe so, but some people don't want to go searching in places with too many bad memories," he said before finally turning to leave.

"Goodnight Carter," he said softly before closing the door behind him, leaving me to my thoughts. I opened up the diary to the entry that came after the last one I had read previously.

August 3, 1997

It's been 3 years since I have last written and 3 years since I had to give up the one thing I truly loved more then my own life. If you can call this a life anyway..

I've heard of a demon attack on a human household only to find out that it was the house that my precious daughter was living in. I fear for her life but Temperance came to me assuring her safety and for that, I am forever in debt to her.

Temperance told me something else too. My daughter isn't what I thought she was. If anything, she's much much worse. I had originally anticipated that she was half angel, half human but I couldn't be more wrong.

The half angel part is true but the half human part is not. They're many creatures in this world. Many to fear and many to admire. My daughter is a different story though. She shall not be admired or feared. She is half-

And that's where it ends. I turned the page only to find it blank. Not even the tiny symbol was at the bottom. What happened to her? And her baby. I'm fairly certain that this is proof that I am her daughter. How can that be? I look so average and meek. I'm probably hideous compared to what Iofiel, the Angel of Beauty, looks like.

And if I am her baby, which I have high doubts of, then what other half am I? Does this mean I'm not human at all? Is this why Ellie couldn't see me aura? My head was hurting with all the questions flowing through my mind.

I set the diary on top of the dresser, not really caring who saw it anymore, and then went to bed.

I woke up with an agonizing headache, and when I tried to stand up, my vision was full of those blotches of colors for a minute before it cleared up. I took a couple steps toward the bathroom and found a bottle of pills sitting on the edge of the sink. When did these get here?
I squinted at the label and read Tylenol. Well that's a relief. At least they don't have secret potions and black cauldrons. Oh wait. That's witches.

I shook my head after swallowing two of the pills and then slipped some clothes on before heading out to the main room.

When I finally got there, I noticed that the room was completely empty. As in, no furniture, no people, nothing.

Blank walls stared back at me and I thought I was dreaming for a second when I remembered I didn't really see anything much in my room either. I thought it was just from waking up but now I was wondering a little freaked out.

I was about to call out 'Hello' like most people did when things seemed empty and out of place, but then I felt a prescence behind me and slowly turned around to come face-to-face with Zach.

I gasped and jumped back about 12 feet and yelled out, "Zach! You freaking scared me! Where is everybody? And everything?"

"Were moving," he said simply.

"Moving! Moving where?" I asked.

"Can't tell you," he smirked slightly.

"Well why not?" I replied gruffly.

"In case a demon tries to pry open your mind and can see our destination. Wouldn't want that now would we?"

"I guess not.." I drifted off in understandment. "Can't you give me a hint at least?"

"Nope. I can give you a false destination though if you like."

"Sure, why not?"

"We aren't going anywhere in North America."

"Were going to another continent!?" I screamed excitedly. I've always wanted to travel to far away countries and explore the great wonders of our world.

"Yes but I can't tell you which." I nodded my head in response to his statement and then he told me that he packed my things for me in case one of the other guys tried to. I grew self concious then knowing he had to pack my undergarments. And the tampons and pads!! Oh the humility!!

"Sorry," I exclaimed quickly.

"For what?" he asked, clearly puzzled.

"For having to make you pack all my, umm, things," I said since I couldn't think of anything better and less embarassing to say. He seemed to understand though and just muttered 'no problem' and then left me to pack the stuff he left out so that I could use it this morning.

I noticed a small backpack and stuffed in my hoodie that was draped over the chair and my toothbrush and toothpaste and the Tylenol bottle. I also noticed he left the diary out and and I snatched that and stuffed it to the bottom of my bag before heading out again. I slung the backpack over my shoulder and walked down the hallway, already able to tell how dead it is with no one occupying the rooms.

I found Zach waiting for me in front of the elevator and darted over to him quickly since the empty rooms were giving me the creeps.

"What's going to happen to this place?" I asked on the elevator ride up.

"Who knows? Demons or even humans might find it and use it for whatever they want, or it could just rot there," he said absent-mindedly.

"Are we ever going to come back?" I asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. All depends on what happens."

It was silent for the rest of the ride up. Did I ever mention how long these elevator rides take? I don't even know how many feet -or maybe it's miles- that we're underground.

Zach then lead me to a mini van with windows that were so darkly-tinted, they looked black.

"A mini van? Really?" I said while rolling my eyes. I was no soccer mom.

"What's wrong with a mini van?" Cameal popped out from the back seat.

"Where the hell did you come from?" I exclaimed.

"I came from heaven, not hell. Get it right Carter," Cameal laughed. I only rolled my eyes again. Cameal scooted over to allow Zach and I to get into the (dare I say it) mini van. I noticed that Raz was driving, Gabriel had shotgun and poor Elijah was stuck in the back with Nathaniel and Micah.

It took about an hour to drive over to the Chicago airport, due to traffic and whatnot.

Cameal distracted me so I couldn't figure out where we were going. He even found a way for me to not see the sign over the airplane entryway that told us where we were going. We took our seats and I sat inbetween Zach and Nathaniel. Cameal had a window seat next to Raz and then with some old, fat guy. Raz had this look of disgust on his face that made me laugh out loud that everyone turned around to look at me.

Zach gave me a questioning look and all I did was point at Raz. Then he started laughing too and then Cameal caught on and we all looked like a bunch of idiots.

Gabriel, Micah, and Elijah sat in front of us and I was grateful I didn't have any strangers next to me. I've never rode on a plane before and was nervous and excited all at the same time.

The plane roared to life and the 'fasten your seatbelt' signs started flashing. I quickly adjusted my seatbelt and sat forward. When the plane started to take off, I instinctively grabbed for the armrests and squeezed tightly and squinted my eyes shut. I do not like airplanes.

I was expecting Zach to place his hand over mine to comfort me like they do in books in movies but that didn't happen because I had to keep my secret and Zach didn't want to appear gay.

Now that I thought of it, why do I have to keep my secret anymore? We're going to a whole different continent for pete's sake! Something in my gut was telling me to not give my secret up though.

When the plane was safely in the air, I untensed and turned to Zach and asked, "Can you at least tell me how long this flight is going to be?"

"Roughly around nine hours," he replied emotionlessly. Why is he all of a sudden acting like this again? He was making such progress too. Oh wait, no one else knows how we talk and stuff now. I don't know if I could exactly call us friends or anything since it was too complicated.

I tried sitting still and watched the movie they were playing. The Rookie. Old movie for an airplane in my opinion. I tried falling asleep a number of times, but it was useless. I had no pillow or blanket and I can't seem to fall asleep sitting up. This is why I need an iPod or some portable game system like a PSP or a Nintendo DSi. Maybe a coloring book would be more appropriate for me.
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Sorry it took a while. Was grounded from the computer. Will write ch. 16 faster.