Fallen Identity

Ch. 5

I confronted them while they were all sitting at the table. I appeared casual and friendly and then I striked. Okay, more like I brought it up but I definitely wasn't the friendliest I could be.
"Okay, so what's the whole ordeal with Kage and his gang?" I almost hissed. Everyone had a worried and/or nervous expression on their face. Apparantly, no one wanted to tell me the truth. I'll bet their thinking of some stupid ridiculous story. Guys usually do that right?
"Come on Raz. You're the one who brought him here and said you'd tell him everything. So you have to 'fess up," Micah said and then leaned back in his chair and put his arms up behind his head, "Were waiting."
Could this really be the Micah in that diary? I looked at Raz for an answer and so was everyone else. Raz looked guilty and we all looked accusing. It's like we were the cops interrogating him into confessing.
"All right! Fine! I'll tell him," Raz finally said, "But you can't tell anyone what you hear tonight Carter. Understood?" I felt like yelling, "Geez, just tell me already, would ya?"
"Ok so were not like you exactly," Raz said, looking uncomfortable.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well, Kage and his gang are what you call demons," he explained. Children of Dimoni!
"And what are you exactly?" I was almost afraid to ask.
"Well, were fallen angels," he looked ashamed. Oh. Fallen angels were said to be angels who committed sins or have gone bad.
"But that's impossible. This is all some ridiculous lie right? You're all ninjas or in a cult or something," I said quickly, so they wouldn't think I already suspected something. How could they be fallen angels? They all seemed so nice.
"Yeah. Seems hard to believe but at one point, we've all done something horrible. Horrible enough to get us sent here. We try to do our best at destroying the demons. It's our way of paying off our guilt," Raz explained. I looked around at each face at the table. Micah looked smug but everyone else looked grave.
"So prove it. Don't angels have wings?" I asked. I needed to see it with my own eyes. I needed some physical and tangible proof so I knew I wasn't crazy and that neither were they.
"Did you not get that were fallen angels? Our wings were cut off," Raz drifted off and looked down. An angel's wings were like a musician's instrument. So valuable. I never had anything like that before and couldn't understand the look of longing in each of their eyes. That's why there was an upside down wing as their symbol on the elevator. It stood for fallen.
"So, how does one become an angel?" I asked. I was honestly curious but I also wanted to change the subject.
"Why you're born of course. Every angel has their own characteristic. Usually when two angels get together, their characteristics come together to form a new one. There is only about one angel born each year," Raz explained.
"So what are these characteristics exactly?" I asked, confused.
"Well, I'm the Angel of Mysteries," Raz said. Hmm, I guess he was mysterious at times.
"Angel of Joy", Cameal said, delighted to be able to speak. He sure was a chatterbox and his characterisitc matched him perfectly.
"Angel of Innocence," Elijah stated, innocently. Yeah, that seemed about right.
"I'm different, I'm the Angelic Messenger. I help interpret human dreams," Gabriel said. Hopefully, he didn't interpret mine.
"Angel of fire," Nathaniel said. He sure seemed a little fire-y.
"I don't think you've learned my full name. It's Zacharael but I go by Zach. I'm the Angel of Surrender. Not such a glamorous characteristic but it's the one I got," Zach said. Surrender? Maybe that's why he became a fallen angel.
"And I'm the Angel of the Divine Plan," Micah said absent-mindedly.
"The Divine Plan?" What the heck was that?
"It's basically about spiritual evolution, destiny, and fate," Micah explained.
"I'm guessing you're not a christain or believe in God or anything," Raz spoke up after everyone finished talking.
"No, I grew up without religion so I never believe in God or anything like that," I said. Now that I think about it, I grew up not believing in a lot of things.
"Well there isn't really a God persay. He's kind of an imaginary being that we made up and sent to the human world. Someone for them to follow and look up to , I guess. He's alive in a way but not that you could talk to him. The miracles that happen, happen because of him," Raz told me. That would explain a lot of things.
"But no one can know any of this right?" I said finally.
"Right," Raz agreed.
"So is Kage- that's not his real name is it?" I asked suddenly.
"No. His actual name is Kobal, Demon of Hilarity," Elijah piped into the conversation. Yeah, he sure is hilarious alright.
"Lennox is really Leonard, Demon of Black Magic," Gabriel also came into the conversation. They were probably all glad to get the conversation geared toward something besides themselves.
"Jackal is the Harrasing Demon, Ornias," Cameal muttered. Obviously, he had a grudge toward Jackal. Heck, I had a grudge toward Jackal. My arms were still black and blue.
"And what about Jacine?" I asked as I recalled them mentioning her during the rescue process of the attack.
"Ah Jezebeth, Demon of Falshoods and Lies," Micah's voice echoed through the room. "Don't ever believe a word she says, even if you know for a fact that it's true." That's when I yawned. Well this was a lot of information to take in. I was really drowsy and in this state of drowsiness, I blurted out, "What about Iofiel?"
Everyone looked shocked at what I just said, especially Micah. So he is the Micah from the diary. They must be immortal or something.
"Iofiel is the Angel of Beauty," Micah practically hissed when he said Iofiel. Bellesa. That word meant beauty in another language. I was sure of it. I didn't know why this was important to me, it just was.
"Well, I'm gonna go to sle-" but my eyes were already shut and my head was in my arms on the table. I could barely make out the conversation around me or who was saying what.
"It has to be a coicidence. How else would he know about Iofiel?"
"Maybe he heard the name before and just brought it up."
"I don't know, it just doesn't seem like a coincidence."
"Maybe you're right but just let him sleep for now."
"Who wants to move him?"
"Just leave him there."
But anything more I couldn't hear or understand so I just let sleep take over me.

I woke up to hear everyone talking. I looked up to see I was still sitting at the table and hadn't ever gone to bed. I stood up and cracked my back. That is not a good place to sleep.
I noticed the time on a clock say that is was 11:14 a.m. Well at least they let me sleep in.
I started walking toward my room and saw Cameal had followed me.
"So, what do you wanna do today Carter?" he asked with a big smile on his face. Dang, he was always so happy.
"You really are the Angel of Joy aren't you?" I asked him instead of answering his question. He kind of looked sad for a minute.
"How about just you and I hang out today? I'd like to tell you what happened," Cameal offered.
"Sure, but I must remind you that I'm not gay," I tried to lighten his mood and what do you know? He laughed.
"Ok well just meet me by the elevator when you're done getting dressed and stuff," he replied between chuckles.
"Sure." I stepped into my room and decided to take a shower before changing clothes. The warm water felt nice against my skin and soothed my bumps and bruises. I pulled on some jeans and t-shirt on then grabbed a random jacket and my black hat. I must say, it was nice having different articles of clothing to choose from, even if they were boy clothes.
I met Cameal by the elevator just as asked and we made out way to the surface. He started walking down the street and I followed closely behind. There was no way you could walk next to someone on these busy sidewalks.
Cameal led me to a restaurant. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I saw all the delicious food on customers' plates. Cameal asked for a table for two and we were seated almost immediately. I saw a couple people glance my way; either because of how I was dressed or because they thought they recognized me from the 'MISSING' posters. Hopefully it wasn't the latter of the two.
"Ok, so in human years, it was 1847. I was only 16 and decided that I liked being this age and size. I also was fascinated with the human world and wished I could visit it; just once. So, I conducted a plan. I heard that if you committed a sin, you could be sent to Earth. I didn't know that meant you'd become one of the fallen. Now everyone knows the seven deadly sins; Extravagance, Gluttony, Greed, Acedia, Wrath, Envy, and Pride.
"Now I decided to commit something that wasn't that evil but that might just be bad enough to get me sent to Earth. I decided to neglect being the Angel of Joy. I depressed myself which soon enough, started to depress the Earth. Everyone was outraged that I would commit Acedia. And one night in my sleep, my wings were cut and I fell and landed in a forest in the middle of Wyoming. It took me a while to figure out what was going on and even longer to find the safezone here in Chicago. It was by luck that Raziel found me and took me in.
"I only hope that by taking down the demons, were doing some good that we couldn't do up there," Cameal finished by pointing upward.
"So there is a heaven?" I asked because frankly, I didn't know how to respond to a story like that. I heard guys don't really have a way with emotion so at least I'm doing okay in that category. I hope.
"In a way, yes," Cameal agreed. The waitress finally appeared and took our orders.
"So Carter. What about you?" he asked, changing the subject.
"What about me what?" I asked.
"Why'd you runaway?" That question stung a bit. Not because he asked it but because of the memories it brought up. Flashes of Mr. Berings came up and I almost started to cry and wanted to tell Cameal who I really was. But I knew I couldn't. So, I lied.
"My family never got me. I wanted to dress a certain way and they just didn't like that. My father runs a small business and he wanted me to take over one day when I was old enough but I didn't have that in mind. So, one day I decided to run." Hopefully I gave enough information for him not to question anything. He seemed satisfied enough though. I did add for emphasis, "They just drive me insane."
"All family's do that. Even angelic ones," Cameal laughed. For the rest of the time we talked about random things that didn't involve angels, demons, our pasts, family or anything that might bring us down. When we got back to the safezone, everyone was watching tv where my picture was on the screen. Oh no. This is not good. Not good at all.