Forever Running


I waited anxiously in the eerily silent house. Waited for Victoria to come back to safety. I couldn't help her if she was in a separate part of the house. And for some strange reason, I wanted to protect her.

I was pacing her room when i realized that I needed to do something. Clothes. I could fix Victoria's closet so that the clothes we bought, couldn't be found by her uncle.

I pushed her school uniforms and 'street clothes' aside, to reveal her uncle's fantasy costumes. As I pushed them aside, I saw something. A door. There was a door behind all her clothes. It was made of aok paneling, like everything else in her closet, so it blended in perfectly. I pushed on it lightly and it opened without a sound. I walked in and looked around. Nothing was visible.

Hurrying, I grabbed a Yankee candle, lit it, and went back in. The hidden room was larger than it first appeared larger than Victoria's actual room.

It was completely empty. A few cobwebs hung from the ceiling and dust completely covered the dirty floor. I dug the toe of my shoe into the ground, finding teh dirt half an inch deep.

I heard a click and slowly turned around. I quietly walked back to the main closet area and heard a soft voice. Female.


I blew out my breath and stepped out to see Victoria in an indecent state. Her blouse was torn, barely covering her shoulders. The skirt was ripped all the way to the hip. She looked like shit, to be honest. She noticed me staring and quickly looked away, blushing. I gently took her hand and pushed her onto the bed. I went into the bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet, and found the first aid kit. I used warm water to soak a wash cloth, cleaned off her make-up and what was probably a dirty feeling on her skin.

i madde her take off her shirt and bra, making sure i didn't see anything as she lay on her stomach. I tipped Oxygen Peroxide onto a que-tip. I quickly ran it over each of the welts on her back. It must've hurt like a bitch, but she didn't move a muscle.

Next, I put Neosporin on the welts to help them heal faster. I was gentle and tried not to her her too much. I started to turn around to give her privacy when she stopped me.

"Wait," she said.

"What's wrong?"

"Can you, um .... well, my back ...." she mumbled.

"Do you want me to massage your back?"

She nodded and her face flushed as she buried her head in her pillow. I chuckled and sat back down. I started to massage her gently. we sat in silence for a few minutes when I remembered the hidden room.



"Did you know that there's an actual room behind your second rack?"

Victoria lifted up her head to look at me, confused. I quickly stood up, and walked to her closet. I heard the rustle of sheets and saw Victoria getting up slowly. I motioned for her to wait as I opened the door to the room.

I came back, wrapped her in a blanket, and carried her to the hidden room. I set her on her feet and re-lit the candle.

Victoria gasped as she saw the room. She walked in a ways, then turned to me and spoke.

"We need to fix this place up."

"That's what I was thinking. But we need to make plans and stuff."

"Yeah .... I have a measuring tape and some cleaning supplies. We can take measurements, clean up the room, and add furniture.

I carried her back to her bed and laid her down gently. She kept making plans for the room as I looked through our shopping bags.

"Damn," I muttered. We hadn't bought her new pajamas. I went through one of my bags and found what I wanted almost instantly. The Nightmare Before Christmas boxers and a Killswitch Engage black t-shirt.

I tossed them to her and turned my back. As she got dressed, she never stopped talking about the plans for the hidden room.

"You can look now."

I turned around and just stared at her. She seemingly had nothing left to say. Now that she was slightly more clean, I could see the bruises on her upper legs, arms, and face. She even had a few welts on her arms and legs. I walked forward slowly and pushed her down on the bed. I pulled up her boxers, revealing bruises in the shape of a hand. I looked at Victoria's face, and she started to cry.

I pulled the boxers back down and crawled into bed beside her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her up. She was now laying on me and had to shift as I pulled the covers over me. I stifled a groan as she moved her legs to straddle me. Apparently, I didn't stifle it very well because she blushed even harder.

"I'll get off," she offered.

"No, it's fine," i said, holding her hips still. She laid her head down on my chest, silent tears slipped down more slowly now.

I smoothed her hair and made circles on her back with my hands. I felt her relax as I made soothing noises. I felt her starting to sip to my side, so I grabbed her hips and position them right over me. I moved her torso and chest back onto mine. She tensed in her sleep, shifting so her head found the hollow in my shoulder, and relaxed completely into me. She fit my body perfectly.

This was going to be one long night. But worth it. yeah, totally worth it. Especially in the long run.
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I dunno how often I will be able to get chapters out, seeing as school ends at 3.30 and I have tons of homework. I'll do my best as a mibbian to keep this going, but it can only go on for so long without comments until I have to give up. I'm gonna try for chapter 7 all are on a different time zone than me, so please please please can I hope for 5 comments??

thank you all - kisses and hugs!!!!