I know I'm not easy to love. But could you try anyway?

Welcome To Hell Addie!

Woo freakity hoo! I moved from Massachusetts! I’m so effing’ excited! I felt like I was going to barf. I’m 17 years old, living…well lived in Massachusetts in a small town, and my life had just gone to hell. And by hell I mean moving to New York City. I’ve lived in New York for a few days now. And I already made a friend. Well my only friend.
School was just a blast! Everyone really accepted me. Like how they pushed me into lockers, knocked my books out of my hands, put signs on my back, and tripped me. But no one did any of that when my friend Delilah was with me. Delilah was my only friend at school. She was like the opposite of me. But ever since I met her we stuck like glue. She was truly my one and only friend here.
I guess my schedule wasn’t so bad. It consists of English, Math, Science, and Home Plumbing. How I even got home plumbing was beyond me. I had English with Delilah but I was alone in the rest of my classes. Home Plumbing you’d think was the worst class known to man. But ever since I laid eyes on this senior it suddenly became less boring. His name was Caden. I never talked to Caden…or anyone else. But he seemed like a nice guy. He was not only nice but gorgeous. I know I’d never befriend a guy like him, but it never hurts to have some eye candy.
“Addie!” A book slammed on my English desk. I looked up to see Delilah. She had her usual cute imp like smirk on her face. I was falling asleep on my desk…again. Delilah started to shake me “Wake up Addie! Or I will give you shaking Addie syndrome!” I just ignored her and put my head back down. Not even five minutes passed and I felt a cold wet finger crawl into my ear. “Oh my god!” I screamed when I realized she gave me a wet willie. Everyone in my English class stared at me and I just sat down and covered my face from embarrassment. Delilah was laughing her ass off without a care in the world.
I was quietly sitting in my seat half way into class until I felt paper hit my head. I turned around to see Delilah looking at me and I gave her a What-the-bloody-fuck-are-you-doing kind of look. She gave me an I-didn’t-do-anything-what-so-ever look. I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Addie Clarke!” my English teacher yelled. I buried my head into my hands to hide my embarrassment.
I couldn’t wait to get to plumbing class. It’s seem like each minute was one hour. But finally the bell rings for D-Block the last class of the day. I jumped out of my seat and ran to the door. As I walked through the hallways of the school I got odd looks from almost everyone. One girl just looked at me and turned to her friends and started laughing their ass off. Wouldn’t I like to shank you with a straw I thought.
I finally made it to Home Plumbing and I sat down with a sigh and put my head down. I heard a chuckle in front of me. “Have a rough day Addie?” Someone said. His voice made my heart skip a beat and made all my blood rush up to my face. I was too scared to sit up because he’d notice I’m blushing. I just nodded my head and he patted me on the back and said “Cheer up! Things will get better” and he walked away to go sit with his friends.
I swear that I must have been on some mighty good crack to think Caden talked to me. All class it was so difficult to even concentrate because of that moment. But how hard can plumbing be really? Once when class was over I ran out of the room and all the way home. Well what the new hell that is my home.