Monster, Monster

It Started With My Mother

and the vomit soup my aunt served in tall fancy glasses from the good china (which were actually made in France). I told myself that the large floating chunks were in fact that leftover pork chops I had seen her cut apart earlier that evening, but my stomach disagreed when i smelled the foul odor. Instead I picked at my glass with the spoon, trying not to focus on my playing (it looked too gross) and instead glanced around the room. I avoided Zoe's Hannah Montana bright pink shirt, and Autumn's skin tight red halter top (they really should only make those things in certain sizes) and then my eyes landed on the envelope.

I glanced up at Patricia, spooning her soup in her mouth like it was the best thing since the bag of Reese's she'd devoured earlier that day. I cleared my throat, swallowed any upcoming saliva and opened my mouth to speak.

"So, did my letter come today?"

The table fell even more silent as their slurping ceased to exist, the only background noise now coming from the two dogs barking outside at the annoying squirrel my sister and Zoe had insisted as feeding and training as a pet.

"School's starting soon. I told you that you'd really have to-"

Here came the talk. The one about how she'd decided against my audition for Avex, even though she had promised and we had talked about it for months. This conversation only translated into two things. The first, was that she didn't want to take me, to see me succeed. The second being that if I didn't make it, she would be alone a lot while my sister was away at job corp and my dad was away at work. How beneficial for her.

"The fact of the matter is, you haven't proven to me that you can handle this kind of responsibility."

Inside I screamed. i called her a bitch, I smacked her across the face, i begged and pleaded to go. But on the outside, I agreed and asked to be excused.