Monster, Monster

Jessie Wasn't There

but everyone else was: and this time they were doing more than crip. I smelled a better scent. Something sweet and yet haggard all at the same time. I sat in the circle and waited for the pass while the only other girl in the circle greeted me with a nod and a smile. I waved slightly and then it was my time. I inhaled deep, which was a bad idea. I came into a coughing fit, and Conner, the athlete beside me patted my back, laughing.

"What the fuck is this?"

Brain was the first to respond.

"A big step up from yesterday's stash. That's purple haze. The best in the business. You shouldn't try this unless you're ready." He inhaled deep, breathed out slow and smooth and flashed an egotistical smile. Damn smart kid thought he was better than me? He didn't fucking know my life.

"Wait," I interjected during the pass,"Pass it back. I wanna try again."

Brain agreed, and gave it back, still smiling like the cheshire cat. I inhaled deep, and tried my best to not cough it out. When I exhaled, I blew the smoke in Brain's face, straight to his eyes. When the smoke cleared, he wasn't happy anymore.