Monster, Monster

What You Will Never Learn

until it happens to you is how bad the crash is. Getting up so high is the best feeling in the world; but coming down is too painful. I sweat, i cried, I was intensely hot and cold all at once. Brain offered to help me out. "There's no more weed, but I got something you'll like even better than that. Takes you to places you wouldn't even imagine. It'll you keep you high for days." I felt desperate. Desperate to stop the agonizing growl in my stomach and the headache that told me to throw up.

Instead I let Brain pour out the white dust onto the floor, spreading it into crooked lines with a picture of his mom. It was ironic to see her grinning face, swallowing up the powder and organizing it. Just like a mother to clean up after her son. He didn't want to do any, instead just told me how.

Down on my hands and knees. No, lower. Like an animal from the wilderness finding food for the first time in decades. Brain offered me a dollar bill, and at first I thought he was paying me for something I hadn't realized I was showing. Instead, he instructed me to roll it tight. "Like a straw." He persisted. I did, then plugged one side of my nose and hovered carefully over the first line. I snorted hard, felt the powder run up, felt my sinuses clog behind my eyes. And just like that, I was hooked.