Monster, Monster

Brain Was Right

it kept me high for days. Four to be exact. Day two was easy to get through, being the only one in the main parts of the house I could do anything I wanted, except for eat. The cocaine made me throw up whatever tried to go down. Day three Jessie came by and asked to go the storefront. We did, and when I asked Brain for more of a taste, he instructed me to not tell Jessie.

I glanced across the room at him smoking from a turquoise striped bong, and then looked over at Brain. I loved Jessie, but I was desperate. I agreed and he gave me my own bag, enough to keep me happy for a week or so. We went to Jessie's house on Day four to do some good smoking. His parents and sister were away for the afternoon, and we took our time puffing the smooth crip.

I wasn't happy though. Crip just didn't do it for me anymore. I had now experienced something so much better, something that made me feel alive. I went to the bathroom to pee, and when i came back Jessie was sitting on his bed, lighting up a bong he had bought from Brain, no doubt. I reached my hand in my pocket, wrapped my fist around the tiny ziploc bag and pondered over the instructions Brain had said.

"Don't tell him you have it. Don't tell him where you got it from. Just keep it a total secret, alright?"

I pulled the bag out, kept it hidden in my hand and crawled onto the bed, sitting down next to Jessie while he puffed away.

"So, i'm getting bored of the crip. Why don't we try something else?"

Jessie tilted his head, slightly confused but intrigued. I held up the baggie in front of us, gave it a little shake and laughed. But Jessie didn't look so happy. he tore it out of my hand, jumped up from the bed and was suddenly across the room, holding it to the light.

"Where the fuck did you get this Liz?!"

i jumped at the volume of his voice, and then regretted going against Brain's rules.

"I just.. was trying something new..."

He shook his head, gritting his teeth and ran down the hallway, and I followed close behind him.

"Jessie, Wait!" He kept going, not answering me or reacting as I tried to pull him back into his bedroom. "Jessie, what are you doing?!"

He dropped the cocaine in the toilet, bag and all and flushed it away. I felt a cringe deep in my stomach and then looked at his face, ready to cry.

"Weed is safe. Weed is nonaddictive. Why would you even destroy yourself like that?"

I swallowed hard, trying to blink back the tears I could feel coming.

"I'm sor- I'm sorry."

I didn't bother grabbing my coat, or my shoes. I left his house, grabbed shoes from home and then headed to the storefront. I would be damned if I had to come down.