Monster, Monster

About Crystal

She wasn't anything like I had ever imagined her to be. She was lanky, tall and had long wavy blonde hair down to her back. The day we met, she wore hot pink shorts and a polka dot halter top. She covered her face with a pair of butterfly-shaped eyeglasses, and I was slightly jealous of her figure. Her legs were amazing, her stomach was perfect. I had latin blood, so my body curved over hill-like hips and large breasts. She handed me the small bag, almost the same size as the one Brain had given me. Only this time, it was different: thicker, yellow, stinky. Crystal assured me it was the best I would ever find without going to Columbia myself. I figured that unless I wanted to save up for a plane ticket, I might as well just make a deal. I gave her the fifty dollars I had stolen from my mom's wallet earlier that morning, and she gave me my number in case of emergency.
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