Monster, Monster

Time Flew By

August faded away. September greeted Wichita with it's cold breezes and frozen breaths. Before I knew it, my October birthday drew closer. Jessie pried me for information. What did I want for my birthday, and whether or not he should make it special by himself. I disregarded every mention of it. He eventually stopped asking. On the aforementioned day, I sat in my room alone. Jessie was at school, so I sat, like every other day, with a needle from my arm. I inhaled deep as I pulled it out, laid back and flew. I wondered if this was how everyone felt after such a rush. I could imagine my ex-friend, smoking her kush and looking up. Did she see what I saw? Did the sun romance with her, too? I rolled onto my side, held my heart and began to cry.
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