Monster, Monster

These Feelings

controlled me. Jessie never showed that night, not even so much a phone call. Nor the next day. I'd find myself standing in front of the kitchen window and watching his house with extreme obsession. I'd watch him come out and leave, and come right back. Was he ignoring me? I tried to call, but always got voice mail. I texted, with no response. After a week, i quit trying. I stopped going to the storefront, too. Things were easier now with Crystal. I could call her and she'd stop by the house, make the exchange. There were no questions between her and i. I never asked her where or how, and she never asked me why. Eventually, I became leaving the house with her. Parties down on England Drive, the shopping center on Rock Rd.

At this point, you would think I'd be losing myself. But it didn't feel like that at all. Sure, my boyfriend ignored me. If he was even still my boyfriend at all. And my parents were just as controlling as ever, but when it came to being high, it was so hard to not feel free.
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It's been too long. comments?