Monster, Monster

Honestly, It Wasn't What I Expected

I finished all of my chores as fast as possible, sat on the couch and watched the Buffy marathon on SyFy. it was three hours until Patricia noted that I had to mow the lawn. I groaned in mental agony. I changed my shoes, pinned my hair back, and grabbed my Zune. I played Lady Gaga and went outside, seeing the lawn mower sitting on the carport and looking so lonely. I twisted open it's gas cap, and peered inside. It looked alright. I closed it tight and pushed it to the big front lawn with some effort and pulled the handle down, bending over to reach the chord.

Pull. No luck yet. Pull. Not quite. Yank! Almost. Yank! The chord ripped from the engine and flew from my hand across the yard and cut my hoodie open in the process. I screeched in terror as I tried to find the chord, hoping Patricia, and my dad didn't have to know about this. I suddenly felt a helpful shadow.

A glance upward revealed the boy of my dreams. Asian, but tall, and pale skinned. He had beautiful eyes and a pierced lip, Wild Eyes contacts (different ones in each eye) and bleached hair with dyed pink ends. His arms were slightly muscular, his torso slender yet strong, and his smile was like a signal from the heavens that I should praise Buddha more. I swallowed hqard, realizing he was talking to me and dropping down to reality.

"I mean, if that's okay with you."

I nodded slowly, unsure of what exactly it was I was agreeing to. But he took the lawn mower and wheeled it away, all the way down the road and across the street. i was too busy drooling to do anything but watch him. The way he walked, the way he kept looking back at me with shy eyes. Oh god, that great butt. I covered my face, trying to hide the blushing and only released myself when I heard his footsteps. In front of me was a better lawn mower. It was much newer than the dirty rusted red one my dad had kept since '96 (he's a big pack rat). neighbor boy let me borrow it, and promised to fix ours, before the next day. Now if only i could figure out how to start the damn thing.