Monster, Monster

His Name Was Jessie

and after the whole lawn mower incident, he started coming around more often. His mom needed sugar, he needed to borrow gas for the lawn mower, and other things. Honestly, it wasn't until he dropped by to see what kind of bird feeder Autumn had bought (plus birdseed) that I realized he just wanted to see me. We sat outside in the front yard, watching the copper sprinklers Patricia had paid eighty-dollars for each on QVC water the lawn. They spun around at least a million times before he started telling me what I really was interested in hearing.

"So, do you have a boyfriend back home?"

I bit my lip as butterflies rushed around in my stomach.


he nodded slightly, chuckling a little.

"Well maybe, you could give me a chance..."

I swallowed hard, and opened my mouth. I felt a rush of emotions flush to my mouth: but before any of it could escape, Patricia yelled out the window for me. I sank down into my seat and glanced over at Jessie who laughed.

"You should get back to me."

I nodded, trying to smile as best as I possibly could.

"I will, definitely."