‹ Prequel: Reflections

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall


I began walking back to Frank's house bitterly. Salty tears were dried to my cheeks and I wanted to just curl up and die in a hole. Hope was lost; there was no cure for me, my parents basically disowned me, and I'm broke. What is the point to living if I am just surviving on meds to keep me running? Apparently my Prozac has worn off because a fresh batch of tears surfaces and I fell so lost and empty inside. My throat is tight and I stop in the middle of the sidewalk and fell to my knees and wept. I just discovered I didn't know the direction of Frank's house and I was half way across the city! Parade hugged me for comfort but I couldn't feel his touch so it was pointless. Revenge was in command, he grinned at me maliciously as if he wanted me dead... which he did.

"You pathetic pansy. Get up fucker and keep moving!" he shouted. My bit my lip and followed his command. I stood and began to walk again. Fame was nowhere to be found but I bet he was trying to get attention, some days I think him and Revenge are on the same side while Red and Parade are the good... sometimes. Red had his arm linked in mine as he skipped along happily as if he were my boyfriend. I sniffled and starred at the ground miserably.

"Cheer up Gee, things have been worse." Red smiled. I didn't reply. Parade sighed in defeat since I didn't want to be happy. I felt very alone right now and my heart felt heavy despite my hallucinations that surrounded me. I didn't have a phone or any money at all to get 'home'.

If things weren't bad enough, thunder rumbled in the distance. I sighed as I looked up at the cloudy night sky and sighed. If only people knew what I was going through.

"If they knew, who the fuck would care?" Revenge spat. I didn't answer. I knew better to unless I wanted to be bitched at and insulted. "Bitched at?" Revenge roared. His normally hazel eyes went ablaze with crimson and an unfelt wind played with his greasy hair. I whimpered and shut my eyes tight and clenched my teeth. Could he actually hurt me? Suddenly I felt a sharp pain grace my ribs and I coughed for air. My eyes went wide as I fell to the ground. Revenge repeated the kick but this time to the soft part of my stomach. I felt nauseous and I wear to God I was going to puke blood. How could he be doing this if he wasn't real? Another blow came but this time to my face and I screamed in pain and suddenly it stopped and I felt okay. I let go of my head which I had been holding for protection and looked up cautiously. Alex stood there and grinned at me.

"Hello freak." her voice wasn't her's though, it was familiar but it didn't belong and I couldn't understand why. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Remember me?" she growled and began clawing at her face. Flesh ripped away to reveal my father wearing his suit. I began to sob.

"Gerard! You love Frank!" Red called out but it was faint. He was far away and I was sitting in a grassy field. I thought I was walking along the road but I guess not anymore. "You love Frank Iero!" he repeated.

"No I don't!" I covered my ears with my hands and screamed. "No I don't!" and all I heard was laughing. Everyone was laughing; Parade, Red, Revenge, Fame, my father, Alex, Frank and everyone I knew. They all pointed at me and laughed. Then they stopped and Revenge leaned in close to me since they all were in a circle.

"Were going to kill you." he grinned and I screamed.
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Do you guys get what's going on? If not- think back to the time Alex turned into a demon and the walls bled black? Still don't get it, I'll explain in the next chapter. :)