Status: 10-5-09 -- I keep letting you all down. I'm sorry. I'll have an update as soon as I can. I promise.

Get It Together

Chapter One

Liliana walked down the streets of Arizona, everything seeming so foreign, yet so familiar. Her hands were shoved in the pockets of the sweater she was wearing, despite the heat. Her dark red hair was pulled back in a low pony tail, strands of her bangs falling in her face. Over-sized glasses covered her eyes, blocking her somber expression from the rest of Tempe. The sweltering heat was something she forgot about on her little getaway, but even then she didn't make a move to remove her sweater.

Around her, Arizona life was bustling about, keeping on with their daily lives while she was reliving her childhood. The pizza parlor she just passed was where she had her first kiss. They playground a few blocks back was where she broke her arm falling off the monkey bars. The hospital a few streets down is where she waited twelve hours, worrying over her father. The last few years, especially, of her life in Arizona played like an old film; everything grainy and distant. Turning the corner she slipped into the convenience store she was all too familiar with. Above her the bell attached to the frame chimed. Immediately making her way to the back, Liliana grabbed her favorite drink and candy bar. The front door opened once more, the bell's chime drowned out by the sounds of laughter and conversation.

Ignoring the laughter, she made her way to the front, setting her items on the counter. The conversations died down as she handed the cashier a five dollar bill. Thanking the man she grabbed her drink and turned to walk out. Fear and shock froze her insides as she stared at the boy in front of her. For a moment she was thankful she kept her sunglasses on; she knew that he would have recognized her in an instant, instead of looking at her with distant recognition and confusion. That confusion clouding his beautiful blue eyes crushed her. She knew she couldn't let him recognize her; quickly gathering herself together, she shuffled past him, pushing open the door.


The bell above the door rang just as the breathless name left his lips. She stiffened. It was possible that it was just her imagination, some trick her mind was playing on her. Taking a deep breath she pushed out the doors. He must have noticed her momentary pause because he said something before the door chimed again. It was starting to piss her off. She barely made it halfway down the block before she felt a hand wrap around her wrist. An all too familiar sensation rocked her body. That same hand had grabbed her wrist before. That same hand had ran through her hair before. That same hand, that familiar touch, had wrapped around her waist before. That hand holding her now pulled her back, turning to face the boy before her. She couldn't meet his eyes, and once again she was thankful she had her sunglasses.

She cast her eyes down, looking at the contact between the two. His hand was wrapped firmly around her wrist, seeming as if he had no intention of letting go, but when she gently pulled her arm he let go. Even though Liliana felt the urge to run and keep herself in Virginia, something kept her rooted into place. The pull of his eyes, the determined look made it hard for her to move.

Slowly, tentatively, he raised a hand, his thumb gently grazing her cheek. He pulled at her sunglasses, lifting them to rest on her head. This was not how she wanted her return to go. She foolishly thought she could avoid him her entire stay at her mom's. But going to their favorite store probably wasn't the best way to do that. She licked her lips and sighed at her own stupidity, naivety. She kept her eyes down, this time staring at her freed wrist, not liking how the absence of his touch was making her feel.

“Liliana Rae.”

She hated the hurt tone to his words, the way he sounded so surprised and confused and pained by her sudden appearance. Slowly, she lifted her green eyes, barely able to contain the emotions that invaded her system. The urge to reach out for him and hold him over-powered her, but she managed to reduce it down to a thin layer of tears that coated her bottom lashes. She blinked back the tears and composed herself, looking him in the eye.

Neither exchanged any words, just standing on the sidewalk staring at each other. Liliana didn't know what she could say. Even if she wasn't mute from his touch, she hadn't planned out what she would say to him otherwise. What could she say? Sorry wasn't an option, they had exchanged their good-bye's over a year ago, but neither expected her back so soon.

“Are you staying?”

The words struck a nerve. She tensed slightly, feeling every muscle in her body tighten. Was she staying? That's a good question, she thought. She was visiting her mom for the summer, but was there anything for her in Arizona? What did she benefit from being back here? Blinking back another round of tears, she knew the answer. Even after everything, she knew exactly what was here for her and that scared her more than anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
901 words. It's short. =[
I actually really like this and your opinions would be lovely! <33