The Cold Painful Truth

This is the best as an opening statement is gonna

Reality. It’s what makes this world evil and painful. When you’re in your fantasy world, rejection never hurts. And life would be normal, simple and oh so effing happy, well to the best of its ability. Sometimes love is your fantasy world. When love’s gone what’s your fantasy world then? Even when love’s still there, its reality. Reality is cold and painful and love can be too, but on the other hand they both can be blissful. Though, along with that other statement, they can both annoy the Hell out of people. So, what’s the difference?
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To just let you know... To put it bluntly; this girl has been hurt. She had a crush on a guy and her best friend screwed her life up. Which will be explained later.
Note: this is based on a true story.
Oh and this story is in the form of diary entries, sort of...