The Cold Painful Truth

Entry #1

It’s been a week since the cold sting of rejection first flowed through my veins. I’d compare it to taking a bus to heaven and getting thrown off at Hell. I know that sounds melodramatic, bu6t its how I feel. Besides, I’m hurting, what’d you expect? Would you like me to be all cheery like the mall Santa’s? He/she’s probably hurting too, what do you know? I’m kinda hungry; maybe I could go to McDonald’s. Oh I know, I could eat out of depression until I’m fat, fall in the ball pit and get crushed but the ”little people”, you just wanna hug! Hey, maybe I might even die, oh happy days! Might I add that this pain and awkwardness is from calling her (my friend) a guy? I can’t remember what exactly brought that up, but I didn’t actually mean it! Sure, sometimes I question it between never giving a fuck about guys and wearing her pants off her ass, I do wonder. I never actually believed it, but that was for me to ponder and her to never know. (Honestly I’m kidding, but she is an oddball). I knew this day was coming, of coarse I did! The only thing was that I was planning on it being of my own accord. It wasn’t supposed to be some crazy friend’s way of pissing you off. I’m getting more and more depressed by the second so, I think I’ll cry myself to sleep listening to Nickelback. My play list being; I’d Come For You – allowing me to think about who, that’s not me will come for him, Never Gonna Be Alone – to let me sass the speakers, while crying an blurb “oh, yes I will” and follow it by louder and harder crying, Just To Get High – thinking about what my effing friend will turn into, If Today Was Your Last Day – to think about the last part “would you swear up and down to God Above that you’ll finally fall in love” and decide not to ever again, and to end it with Someone That your With – to think how she (whoever it is) will be there and not me. This is the only way to go about suffering and absurd amount.
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Kinda long, but you've mad it this far.
To remind you again: this actully happend.