The Cold Painful Truth

Entry #2

Life sucks, so much! They always say it will change; it will get better, but does it? Seriously? Sometimes I wish girls weren’t such bitches! In order for that to happen the world would have to be overrun by doorknobs! Anyway… You know, as days go by I start to feel less depressed, less awkward, and more like I fit in. And of coarse BAM it slaps me in the face! Like practically everything else… Kinda like before my friend screwed everything up. There would be days when we’d be like best buds, him and me. We’d laugh, and have a normal conversation, usually about some dude on a skateboard that got messed up. I will never understand why guys enjoy other people’s pain! Now if that day does come, the next will unbearably follow in silence. Life does not want me to be happy, I swear! Damn it! Muahahahaha is the sound the little Devils are making as they control the black storm cloud floating over me. We’d be talking and I’d be thinkin’ yes, maybe he does care. But then my whole world explodes. BAM! Reality came back and it’s not good!
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Have any of you ever had this happen?