Quiet Girls Don't Belong In Boot Camp

So Many Tests

I was used to this. As far as I was concerned, my parents put me through worse everyday...kind of. They physical pain they did a littl more subtly. If I wanted to survive here, I had to fight. Who knows how...but I had to past their tests.

Tests. There are many here, I've come to learn. Test one: you have to prove that you can handle whatever they throw at you. (i.e. complaining, passing out, giving up it OUT.)

Test two: the standard rules. You need to learn to follow them, without following them. That part is still way too confusing to me.

Test three: Physical and Verbal test. The physical test is like one that you take at a regular school. Just to see if you're caught up with your age. If not, then boot camp is going to be a serious problem.

I had to past all of those on day one. But since I didn't know this, today is my day. No one confirmed it officially, but I can just feel it. It's in the air.

Test one: I haven't passed. In the morning they dressed me. Yes, they actually DRESSED me. Which included undressing me. It was a huge embarrasment that deffinitely proved I couldn't handle anything.

Test two: I still have yet to learn. I don't know how I will, but I will eventually.

Test three: I failed. I totally failed. It was horrible. I couldn't do anything. I don't belong here. Everyone knows it.

But I've made friends...well a few. Nate has become my personal advice giver. He's the sweet caring, yet still a total jackass. Aiden is one of the twins. He's completely messed up i the head. He's perverted, and pretty stupid, but he's funny. Aeron is the player. A huge player. I think Jake likes me. He's been doing weird things: helping me, being nice, complimenting me; the others don't do that.

Take this afternoon for instance.

I was sitting at that same tree as yesterday, hiding. Apparently Jake noticed me.

"Boo." I jumped at the sound of his voice. His chuckled and sat down next to me, really close.

"How you liking it here?" i gave him a pointed look.

"Oh it's just wonderful. The people here are really nice, and I just love the activities. Do you know if there's a drama club?" He laughed at my imitation.

'Okay, okay, point taken. but I mean...do you like the people?" i shrugged.

"Care to illaborate?" He suggested.

"Well...I don't know. You guys aren't exactly what I would call my best friends, but then again you're pretty good roomates, besides the undressing thing." his face turned a million shades of red.

"Uh oh well sorry but I uh..yeah." I laughed and put my hand on his knee.

"It's not okay, but I forgive you. Just don't do it again." He nodded fiercly. I smiled at him and looked into his eyes. In a second he leaned in and kissed me. When he came back I could feel my face heating up.

"Wow um..whoa." I said. He smiled.

"Yeah I know."

"No I mean," I stood up, "Whoa. Jake, no. I'm sorry but I don't like you like that." His entire face deflated. He glared.

"Okay, sorry. I won't get in your way again." And he stomped off. I huffed.

Ugh, I hate boot camp.
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I had major writr's block so that's why this chapter sucks so much. :((
