3 Cheers For Sweet Revenge

Hang 'Em High Part 2

"Mass convulsions," hissed the unfamiliar male voice.
"Strike the choir hon..." the female voice said excitedly.
"By the grace of God," Black retorted.

These thoughts and subconscious memories began to hurt my head.
The gunfight, the blood, the screams and bullets. My wound hurt, a twisting burning pain.
The bullet was still lodged in me.

"We need to get to a doctor."

Black smirked, "I know that. That is why I'm taking you to Shephard."


"You don't know him. I knew him a long time ago. He's an ex-paramedic. He got kicked out of the medical field for smuggling morphine. He's a good man though, he'll be able to help us out. He doesn't live far," Black explained, lighting up another cigarette.

I moaned, no matter how much I tried, I could not get comfortable.

"Where are you at in the memory pool?" he asked me, looking over, his one eye still covered by his hair.

"Ugh! What did you do to those people?! There's bodies everywhere!"

He smiled, followed by a laugh, "Ha! I did what I'm best at. Unprejudiced killing. My forte'."

I felt the urge to vomit, I rolled down the window as best I could.

"Easy there."

Blood poured from my mouth, spattering the door and rear window.

"Uh oh, you're dying on me ain't you?" Black said calmly.

"I thought you said I was gonna live?!"

He shrugged, "I never said I was a doctor, now did I?"

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, the thick sticky blood smearing.

"Now where are you at in there?" Black asked, pointing at my head.

"Voices again, rambling. OH SHIT!" I exclaimed, a vision of an officers face being pulped by a bullet.

"Ha! I love that part! One of my best hits!" Black said, slapping the steering column with his blood crusted hand.

"I'm dying.."

"No, no you're not. You got shot in the back and left leg, you'll be fine. Promise! This doc will fix you right up!" Black said, looking over at me.

I hadn't realized I had been shot more than once, although I had noticed my left leg did feel numb. I looked down at it, touched it, my finger slipping into a deep bullet hole.

I screamed from the pain.

"See? Told you! Now why'd you go and do something like that to yourself?!"

I grimaced, removing my blood red tie to tourniquet off the wound.

Black's hand stopped me, "Don't do that. You're only gonna cause nerve damage."

"The fuck do you know?!"

"Believe me, I've tried it before. Sides, it only looks bad because of all of the blood. You're fine!"

I winced and left it alone, I couldn't believe I was trusting Black with my life.

"She won't stop me put it down" hissed the male voice.

"She won't stop me put it down," croaked the female voice.

"She won't stop me put it down," I heard my voice.

"So get your gun and meet me by the door!" Black shouted in my head.

"Ugh! I'm sick of this shit! Make it end! I figured out what happened already!"

Black frowned, "Too sad, I thought you'd enjoy our little home movies!"

"Fuck you! Make it stop! I'm going crazy!"

He sighed his heavy sigh, and touched my left temple again with one of his fingers.
Instantly, the voices faded, the blood red cloud swirled away, and the images fractured.

"You're welcome!" Black shouted at me.

"Thanks.." I murmured.

"Hey, you okay?!"

I suddenly felt so tired, and light headed, I had to sleep.

"Stay with me buddy! Grey, stay with me, think of the kids!" Black screamed, shaking me wildly.


Black laughed, "Ha ha! Joking! That got your attention now didn't it?! We're almost there, just a little more!"

I slouched in my seat.

"Oh shit.." I heard Black mutter.

Suddenly the car collided with the median, the passenger side of the car went crashing into the guardrail, glass shatterd, metal screeched. We spun out of control before finally coming to a stop facing the wrong side of the road.

I opened my eyes, to find myself in the drivers seat behind the wheel.
"What the fuck..?"

(Shit, you blacked out on me, and your brain activity ceased for a second. I lost control.)
What are you talking about?
(You've been driving this entire time, I've been using your body with my consciousness in control)
I still don't understand.
(You blacked out, so I took over, you were viewing me from an outside angle. We switched places! That's not important! We need to get out of here!)
I can't move.
(Yes you fuckin' can, and you will!)

I tried to move, but my legs gave out on me.

(Get the fuck up now!)
(Don't give up on me Grey, move it!)

I closed my eyes again, I just wanted to sleep this away.
The road and smoke began to melt away, Black's voice began to mix and distort with the blaring car horn.

Helena....I'm sorry..