3 Cheers For Sweet Revenge

I Never Told You What I Do For A Living Part 1

(You can say a prayer if you need to.)
No point, I know I'm going to hell.
(Another night and I'll see you.)
Another night, I'll be you! We need to end this.

I slowly rose to my feet, making my way to a vacant space behind Rochester.
Someone suddenly tugged on my sleeve, pulling me over to the side.
I came face to face with Dr. Kipling.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed.

"Tying up loose ends." I replied.

"You need to leave now! There is security everywhere!"

I nodded, "I know, two of them are rotting in the bathroom, there's only a few more, Black counted them."

Dr. Kipling stared blankly at me, "You mean you're now listening and working with Black?! What has happened to you Grey?"

I shrugged him off, "Life has happened, THIS has happened!" pointing at the casket at the head of the church.

Dr. Kipling shook his head, "I can't believe this! Whatever happened to the Haldol you were taking?"

I waved him off with a hand, "I gave up on that. I don't need it, I need Black more than ever now."

I could tell Dr. Kipling was concerned as well as angry, but I had no time.
I rose to my feet, started to continue my walk towards Rochester.

"Grey, don't do this, you'll be killed!"

I turned to stare the doctor in the face, "I know, and that is what I want. That is what Black wants. Death is our only option here, our only escape. I've kept a book of the names of those I've killed, almost 1000 to be exact. After today, we'll be at that number."

With that, I turned away, and walked to my target.

If things go wrong, I want you to take over okay?
(You bet I will!)
Only kill our targets okay?
(Yeah yeah, kill discreatly, a shitty method.)
Just do that okay?
(Gotcha boss.)
(Uh huh...so deep and down we go...)

As I got closer to Rochester, people around me started to mutter and talk amongst themselves. They knew who I was, and became nervous.
It wasn't long before Rochester himself noticed the muttering, and turned to see what the comotion was about. He spotted me instantly, and quickly turned away in fear.

I smiled, I had to.

"Touched by angels though I fall out of grace," I prayed under my breath.

(I did it all so maybe I'd live this everyday.)

I quickened my pace, every step getting me closer.

(And down we go..)

I slowly slid my hand into my jacket, grasping the pistol.

(And down we go..)

I withdrew it, the congregation shrieking with fear and surprise.

I raised it, taking aim...

(And down we go!)

A sudden gunshot echoed off of the high ceiling of the church.
I stumbled and fell, landing hard on the floor.
Blood started to pour from a hole in my chest.
This wasn't right, it wasn't supposed to be like this.

(Get up!)

I slowly rose to my feet, but another gunshot dropped me hard onto the carpeted floor.
The bullet tore a chunk of my left side out.


I started to crawl, trying desperately to make my way to Rochester, who sat there with a smile of achievment. He waved at me and laughed as I crawled, smearing my blood.

I began to choke, gasp, sputter, as my life came to a close.

"And we'll dance...alone..to the tune..of your death..." I thought to myself as the pain became unbearable.

My legs began to give, my body twisting as I went into shock.
(We'll love again, we'll laugh again, just get up!)

It's better off this way...
(Never, get up, you're dying!)
Well I tried.
(No, one more night!)
(One more night!)
I lied to you Helena...
(Get up!)
I tried.

The room began to darken, my eyes felt cloudy, as I grew colder and silent.
The people around me were swarming like lost ants, scurrying about to leave the chapel.
I saw Rochester slowly making his way towards me, a pistol in his hand.
From my left and right, I heard two pairs of foot steps, the shooters.
They were laughing congratulating each other.

In my final moments, I cursed myself for making such a careless rookie move. I should have been expecting bodyguards and watchful eyes.

I coughed up blood, thick and clotted onto the carpet.

"Kill him.."