Under My Syns


After Mickey and I got done with the unpacking up in our room we made no waste in time (yeah, with Mickey? Impossible.) getting down to the lobby. My mom was right, I thought when five muy attractive men stood in front of the stair case looking over 11 other women.

"Dammit!" Mickey cursed. "We have to go back up."

"What?!" I nearly shrieked. "All the back up to the seventh floor? I don't think so."

"Cool it. We'll take the elevator."

"While you sing, 'Love In An Elevator'?" I said. "What's so important that we should mush back to our room anyway?"

"I left my slinky."

I was about to yell at her some more, until I realized we had an audience.

"Um, hi." I said nervously, not to mention embarrassed.

"What's the dealio?" Mickey asked and cocked her hip so she could place her hand there.

"Would you ladies get in the line please?" The larger, buffer guy asked us who wore aviators.

"What's the line for? Are we having lunch?" Mickey asked but we got into the female line up.

"We have lined you up so we can pick from the group who we want." The one with black hair and the fedora asked.

"Want us for what?!" Mickey said loudly.

"We just want to get a look at you and choose. Every single one of you has a talent in the art that you have a good rep for. So its gets hard to pick…"

Mickey turned her head to me so only I could hear her. "I feel a lecture coming on here, total snore fest."

Finally the guys got into action.

"Syn, you pick first." The buff aviator dude told fedora man. Hehe, I just gave them superhero names!

He walked up and down the line until he finally stopped at me, securitizing like a scientist looking at a particularly interesting specimen of glow-in-the-dark scales on a fish.

"I'm Brian." He said and smiled.

"Camille." I answered.

His smile seemed nice, enough. But I couldn't help the feeling that I wasn't going to like this guy. Especially when I was going to be practically glued to his face.

Jimmy and Johnny went next choosing the most buxom amongst us. Matt the tallest… don't know what that was about, but Mickey snarled because she hated Tall Tiffany. Then came Zacky.

"I don’t know, Shads." Zacky said unsurely, but I could tell it was an act. "They're all so gorgeous. I don't which one to choose."

"Go for it, man." Shads, or Matt, pushed him.

Zacky smiled and covered his eyes and began to walk up the line, Mickey, being the shortest and had huge tits, he stopped in front of her with his eyebrows dangerously close to his hairline.

"Whoa. I think I might have found mine." My guess was correct, the only thing he saw was tattooed tits.

"Name's Zacky. Or you can call me Zachary when you're mad at me." He said and held his hand out.

"Mickey." She said and blushed. Oh. Mickey most certainly did NOT blush. She only blushed when she got just really historically pissed.

"Alright, ladies. If you would go get your cases and follow us out to the bus, we can take you to where the show is being held tonight and you can get us all beautified." Jimmy said and waved good bye.

Everyone started to move to leave back up the steps, but Mickey was too busy staring at Zacky and tripped falling on her face.

"What the hell, Mickey?" I asked picking her up.

"I got some good new and some bad news." Mickey said. "Bad news is, my nose hurts. The good news is… I found my slinky!" she cuddled it to her chest while Zacky stared over at us, a sweet smile on his face.

I think I know where this was going…..


Me and Mickey were luckily holed up in the same room together to do the hair and make up for Zacky and Brian. Well, we weren't really in a separate room, just that there was a wall made up some sort of cardboard between me and Mickey, and the rest of the crazy women doing their jobs.

What was worse was that Mickey had already developed a hate for M. Shadows.

"What kind of guy picks Tiffany as a hairdresser? She's a total man eater!" Mickey complained.

"That could be why he picked her." I told her and set up all my hairspray and make up just how I wanted it on the makeshift counter top.

"Hey, Camille." Brian said and sat up in the chair I had scrounged up for him.

"Hey. What can I get for you?" I asked politely, ready to start business.

"Well," he said and bounced a couple of times. "A different chair."

I stared at him like he was crazy, or about to laugh and say it was a joke.

But there was a problem. He wasn't joking.

"Okay, I guess I could try to trade someone." I said, and 15 minutes later, I finally found the chair that he liked.

"So, what style do you like?" I asked Brian after I had done his make up, three fucking different ways before I got it right.

"Spiked. I'll correct you as you go." He said, and there was a lot of correction.

Meanwhile, Mickey was having a fucking wonderful time.

"What do you think?" she asked Zacky and turned him to face the mirror.

"I like it. Especially the purple high lights. Subtle, but cool, and it doesn't even clash with the red eye shadow."

"I could even make it all colors of the rainbow." Mickey said and showed him her slinky… that was wrapped around her arm, ensuring she'll never loose contact with it again.

Zacky smiled. "Slinkies are awesome."

"Yes." Mickey sighed. "Charlie is very awesome."

There was a knock at the door.

"I got it!" two men shouted in unison and ran into each other, Johnny and Jimmy. Matt got up and walked to the door.

"Maybe someone else should answer it." Matt said as he approached the thick door. "Could be a crazed fan."

"Believe me." Mickey began before I could stop her. "We don't have to worry about anyone wanting to rape you."

Zacky laughed. So I guess it was okay.

Matt opened the door and no one was there.

"What is it?" Johnny asked.

"A bowl, with tin foil on it." Matt said picking it up and bringing it inside.

"Ooooh! What's in it?!" Jimmy asked excitedly.

"I don't know…" Matt said fearfully, which was pretty sad considering his size.

"I'll be the taster!" Jimmy said and poked his finger in the gooey substance and stuck it in his mouth. "Tastes like… salad dressing."

Right then, all the lights went out.

Some of the girls screamed, and maybe Jimmy too, but that was mostly it.

"I'm feeling for the door, but… its not there." I heard Mickey's voice say while she went to the other side of the room. I followed her. "It feels like… mom?"

"Yes, Mickey, dear. Its me. The breaker switch is in here." Mom navigated herself using her lighter.

"Why the hell did the light go out?" Mickey asked me.

"I have no clue." I told here.

"Well, at least the fans won't notice. They'll think it was a special effect." Mickey said while I got back at my post when the light came back on.

Now back to Mr. High Maintenance…

"No, no. I want that spike right here." He said pulling at a tendril of hair.

"You know Brian. I really, really, really, really hate your hair." I told him. "Just to let you know."

From there it was show time.
♠ ♠ ♠
there you go.
hot a7x boys.