Status: one-shot contest entry.

So Wrong, It's Right.


Lexie walked into the small french classroom and sat in the back, adjusting her clothes and ignoring the loud, rambunctious kids around her. She buried her head in her arms, sighing. She just wanted to get this day over with. This was her first year in high school and her first year in Kingsport, Tennessee. The school year was almost over and Lexie could hardly wait for the summer.

At her new school, KHS, she had close to no friends. This was mostly because she was extremely shy, but also because she's an open lesbian. Stereotypically, the kids at this school were all about sports and all totally homophobic. To Lexie, that's what it seemed like anyway.

She waited expectantly to hear her bald, annoying teacher, Mr. Crowe, to tell her to pay attention. But when the bell rang, a woman's voice introduced herself to the class.

"I'm Ms. Richards, your substitute teacher. Mr. Crowe is out sick today, so class might be run a little different today. I don't know any French at all, so we'll take attendance then you all can have a study hall the rest of the period."

Lexie peered through her arms and saw the substitute who was fiddling nervously with her outfit. Damn, she thought, she is fucking hot.

The sub started role-call, beginning in alphabetical order. When she got to the "D's" and said "Lexie Doyle", before Lexie could call out "here", a male voice coughed "dyke!" Lexie's face flushed red and her throat began to tighten, "here", she choked out, burying he face in her arms once more.

Ms. Richards barked out, "I do not tolerate any crude references to a person's sexuality. Understand?"

Lexie was a bit taken aback. Usually, teachers just let comments of that sort slide. She was beginning to like this sexy woman. Class dragged on for almost an eternity due to the fact that the teenagers in her school used study hall as a time to be fucking morons. The entire class time, Lexie just stared at Ms. Richards, whom glanced in Lexie’s direction multiple times. Once, Lexie thinks she saw her teacher wink. When class was finally over, everyone else hurried out of the room.

She was at the classroom door when she heard someone say, “Lexie?” She turned to see Ms. Richards approaching her.

“I’m sorry about what happened at the beginning of class.”

“It’s okay,” Lexie said quietly, “I get it all the time.”

“I know exactly how you feel, doll. I used to get it in high school too.”

Lexie smiled, relieved that she had finally found someone to relate to, “I’m not even allowed in the locker rooms during gym.”

“That’s terrible, I will definitely talk to the principal about it.”

“I think you shouldn’t even bother, Ms. Richards, he won’t care.”

Lexie looked up at the substitute who smiled weakly and said, “You can call me Jay.”

Her stomach did back flips when she looked into the older woman’s gorgeous eyes. For the first time, she really studied her teacher.

She was stunning, her hair looked so soft and she had pouty, kissable lips. And, fuck, her body. Let’s just say, she wouldn’t mind being pushed up against that in a mosh pit.

Lexie smiled, “I’ve never called a teacher by their first name before.”

Jay smiled, “This is my first time being a teacher. I’m really a tattoo artist, but I’ve needed extra money.”

Lexie let her eyes wander over the other woman’s inked skin.

“This one’s beautifully done,” she commented, blushing when she brushed her fingers over the tattoo of a spider on it’s web. “And I really like this,” she said, gliding her fingers over Jay’s chest, referring to the skulls with wings. She blushed furiously when she realized how that sounded. She drew back her hand, shocked at how comfortable she was with her, stunned that she actually touched her. To Lexie, Jay was like those girls you see on the Internet, the ones who don’t seem real because they’re so beautiful.

“I did them myself,” she said, grinning. Lexie returned the gesture, remembering her own tattoo.

“I have one too,” she said.

“That’s awesome!” Jay smiled, “can I see it?”

“Sure, but it’s on my back. I had to get it somewhere my parents couldn’t see it.”

She turned around and pulled up her shirt a bit so that Jay could see: “I am not afraid to keep on living; I am not afraid to walk this world alone.” on her lower back. Jay’s fingers lightly fluttered across the elegant print, causing Lexie to shiver slightly.

“Beautiful,” Jay said gently, her breath flitting on the back of Lexie’s neck. Lexie turned around to find herself inches away from the older woman. Looking straight into Lexie’s eyes, Jay leaned towards the other girl and Lexie filled in the space between the two, connecting their lips. That moment was like one of those stupid, cliché movie-scenes where fireworks erupt and shit. Because to both women, that simple kiss was total ecstasy.

Their lips melted together, moving in synch. Lexie’s arms traveled up and wrapped themselves around Jay’s neck, whereas the other girl’s hands were resting just below Lexie’s waist. Both pulled away simultaneously, at a loss for the right words. They stayed the way they were, enclosed in one another’s embrace.

“Damn…” Jay whispered, a grin sneaking it’s way onto her gorgeous face, “you’ve got some magic lips.”

Lexie giggled, “You’re amazing, you know that?”

They both smiled, and like those fucked-up Disney movies, they lived happily-fucking-ever-after, having a secret relationship and running from the law.