Broken Hearts Are All I'll Ever Know

Broken Hearts Are All I'll Ever Know, Part 10




So, of course in the end I ended up with Frankie, Claire ended up with Aiden, if you didn’t know Matt ended up with Alice, Mikey ended up with Alicia, Gerard, Bob, Ray and Blake just ended up as good friends together with the rest of us.
We ended that year of warped tour in New Jersey where we were originally from with all of our concerts sold out.
We all met our favorite bands and played with them throughout the journey.
Claire and Aiden got married in the winter of 2005.
Frankie and I are still just in a relationship but I’m sure someday we will be more then in a relationship.
A Dozen Reasons is still touring with My Chemical Romance till this day and are very excited to be together as friends and family.
We both have gotten through a lot together and that’s why we were all such true friends.
Live, and love your music.